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Walking round to the front of the house he beheld the well-known agriculturists Hezzy Biles, Haymoss Fry, and some others of the same old school, passing the gate homeward from their work with bundles of wood at their backs. Swithin saluted them over the top rail.

'He's sure to come, rathe or late, resounded up the spiral in the vocal note of Hezzy Biles. 'He wouldn't let such a fine show as the comet makes to-night go by without peeping at it, not Master Cleeve! Did ye bring along the flagon, Haymoss? Then we'll sit down inside his little board-house here, and wait. He'll come afore bed-time.

'Four, four backbones, said Haymoss, decisively. 'Yes, four, threw in Sammy Blore, with additional weight of experience. 'For you want one in front for breast-ploughing and such like, one at the right side for ground-dressing, and one at the left side for turning mixens.

He greeted each of the previous arrivals by name, and stated that he was glad to see them all so punctually assembled. 'Ay, sir, said Haymoss Fry. ''Tis only my jints that have kept me from assembling myself long ago. I'd assemble upon the top of Welland Steeple, if 'tweren't for my jints.

Martin and her connexions and her ways of life with luminous distinctness, till Lady Constantine became greatly depressed. She, in her hopefulness, had almost forgotten, latterly, that the bucolic element, so incisively represented by Messrs. Hezzy Biles, Haymoss Fry, Sammy Blore, and the rest entered into his condition at all; to her he had been the son of his academic father alone.

'I can sing genuine music, like F and G; but not anything so much out of the order of nater as that. 'Perhaps you've brought the wrong book, sir? chimed in Haymoss, kindly. I've knowed music ever since then, I say, sir, and never heard the like o' that. Every martel note had his name of A, B, C, at that time. 'Yes, yes, men; but this is a more recent system!

'Well! do my eyes and ears began Hezzy; and then, balancing his faggot on end against the hedge, he came forward, the others following. 'I knowed in a winking 'twas some great navigator that I see a standing there, said Haymoss. 'But whe'r 'twere a sort of nabob, or a diment- digger, or a lion-hunter, I couldn't so much as guess till I heerd en speak.

If ye haven't, I have, continued Sammy Blore. A striking of matches followed, and the speaker concluded comfortably, 'Now we shall do very well. 'And what do this comet mean? asked Haymoss. 'That some great tumult is going to happen, or that we shall die of a famine? 'Famine no! said Nat Chapman. 'That only touches such as we, and the Lord only consarns himself with born gentlemen.

'Did it overtake you, or did you overtake it? whispered Hannah sepulchrally. 'I don't say 'twas it, returned Sammy. 'God forbid that I should drag in a resurrection word about what perhaps was still solid manhood, and has to die! But he, or it, closed in upon us, as 'twere. 'Yes, closed in upon us! said Haymoss. 'And I said "Good-night, strainger," added Chapman.

Why, his spy- glass will stretch out that there comet as long as Welland Lane! 'I'd as soon miss the great peep-show that comes every year to Greenhill Fair as a sight of such a immortal spectacle as this! said Amos Fry. "Immortal spectacle," where did ye get that choice mossel, Haymoss? inquired Sammy Blore.