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Harry Haydock 'phoned me that they've decided to hold the tennis matches, or whatever you call 'em, down at the cottages at the lake, instead of here. The bunch are down there now: Haydocks and Dyers and Clarks and everybody. Harry wanted to know if I'd bring you down. I guess I can take the time come right back after supper."

Though people went to hear Haydock, they were chiefly influenced by curiosity. "His auditory were willing to silence him by pulling, haling, and pinching him, yet would he pertinaciously persist to the end, and sleep still." The King was introduced into Haydock's bedroom, heard him declaim, and next day cross-examined him in private.

Just yesterday I was saying to Harry Haydock: if he would read poetry, like Longfellow, or if he would join the band I get so much pleasure out of playing the cornet, and our band-leader, Del Snafflin, is such a good musician, I often say he ought to give up his barbering and become a professional musician, he could play the clarinet in Minneapolis or New York or anywhere, but but I couldn't get Harry to see it at all and I hear you and the doctor went out hunting yesterday.

Needlessly he touched her arm to call attention to the fashion-plates, and humorously he glanced from her to Erik. At home she wondered if the little beast might not be suggesting himself as a rival to Erik, but that abysmal bedragglement she would not consider. She saw Juanita Haydock slowly walking past the house as Mrs. Westlake had once walked past. She met Mrs.

In the voice of the professional Good Fellow he bellowed, "Howdy, folks!" He declined the offers of motors; he walked off, his arm about the shoulder of Nat Hicks the sporting tailor, with the elegant Harry Haydock carrying one of his enormous pale leather bags, Del Snafflin the other, Jack Elder bearing an overcoat, and Julius Flickerbaugh the fishing-tackle.

Carol joined them; she ducked shrieking small boys, and helped babies construct sand-basins for unfortunate minnows. She liked Juanita Haydock and Maud Dyer when she helped them make picnic-supper for the men, who came motoring out from town each evening. She was easier and more natural with them.

Half an hour later Chairman Haydock moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Blausser. The boosters' campaign was on. The town sought that efficient and modern variety of fame which is known as "publicity." The band was reorganized, and provided by the Commercial Club with uniforms of purple and gold.

But before I start in being a hero I want to shoot out and catch me a big black bass and cuss out you and Sam Clark and Harry Haydock and Will Kennicott and the rest of you pirates. I'll land in G. P. on June 7, on No. 7 from Mpls. Shake a day-day. Tell Bert Tybee to save me a glass of beer. Sincerely yours, Perce.

I tell you that young fellow Olaf is going to go East to college along with the Haydock kids. Uh Lots of folks dropping in to chin with Bea and me now. Say! Ma Bogart come in one day! She was I liked the old lady fine. And the mill foreman comes in right along. Oh, we got lots of friends. You bet!"

It's called 'His Mother's Heart, and it's about a young man in college who gets in with a lot of free-thinkers and boozers and everything, but in the end his mother's influence " Juanita Haydock broke in with a derisive, "Oh rats, Raymie! Can the mother's influence! I say let's give something with some class to it. I bet we could get the rights to 'The Girl from Kankakee, and that's a real show.