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I see a answerin' gleam of understandin' come into about twenty-one eyes as I spoke; one on 'em stood firm and looked hauty and cast iron, but I mistrusted it wuz a glass eye, but don't know, it might have been principle. And even on the man's small-sized countenance my words had seemed to make a impression.

But Jane Olive riz up and kinder let her train flop out over the floor, she'd held it up as she come in. I bid her a cordial good-by and told her to come and see me in Jonesville, but she acted kinder cold and hauty and I hain't much hopes that she will foller my advice.

And she said, "No, indeed; she had never imagined that she should ever visit sech foreign shores." Yes, we felt considerable riz up to think that we wuz engaged in foreign travel, but not hauty. No, we are both on us well-principled, and don't believe in puttin' on airs. Wall, we stayed here a good while, and Josiah thought he'd eat sunthin' here, too.

I told Faith I wuz sorry they wuzn't more like her mother and mine, our mothers wuz so much better dispositioned, and fur better lookin', and didn't try to color their hair and act younger than they wuz; and Uncle Preserved's boy, a lawyer, I told Faith it wuz a pity he wuzn't more like our Thomas Jefferson, though it wuzn't to be expected that there could be two boys amongst the relations so nearly perfect as Thomas Jefferson wuz; but I didn't act hauty, only wuz sorry he hadn't turned out so well.

Then and there I made up my mind to work hard and acheive, to become great and powerful, to write things that would ring the Hearts of men and women, to, of course and to come back to them some day, famous and beautiful, and when they sued for my love, to be kind and hauty, but cold. I felt that I would always be cold, although gracious.

"Well," sez she, "I'm goin' into the Scenic Railway, won't you come too?" And not wantin' to act hauty and high-headed I bought a ticket and went in with her. It looked some like a great high rock with a cavern hollered out, and a huge devil's head with a waterfall flowin' out of its mouth. I knowed the devil couldn't hurt us as long as he kep' his mouth full of water.

He laid it before me with a hauty linement and stood off a few steps to admire it. It wuz drawed up handsome, with little ornaments in blue and yeller ink runnin' all round the porticos and piazzas, which wuz in red ink. But on a closer perusal I sez to him: "What room is this where the walls and ceilin' are all ornamented off so?" "The settin' room," sez he. Sez I, "Where are the winders?"

He thinks the Password idea fine, as otherwise almost anybody could steal a medal and get into the mill. William seems to know that I know something, and this morning, while opening the door for me, he said: "I beg pardon, Miss Bab, but I see Henry is driving you today." "It is not hard to see," I replied, in a hauty manner.

If you had a calico dress kinder wore off round the bottom you could cut it off and make 'em wear it, men's clothes are so expensive it would be quite a savin'. And you could pass him off for the hired girl if strangers come onexpected, though that is sunthin' I wouldn't approve on, fur from it, a hauty sperit goes before a fall, as I told Josiah once when he got on a new kind of collar that held his head up so high he fell over the wood-box."

No, my idee is the only right one, ventilate from the mop boards." Well, true to his hauty resolution to not share his grand success and triumph with anybody he went the next day and hired a man by the name of Penstock. He had been a good carpenter in his day, but his brain had kinder softened, yet he could work quite fast, and sez Josiah: "He's jest the man for me.