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Having thus restored tranquillity, he strode forward, and took Mr. Clinch by the hand. "By St. Adolph, I did doubt thee a moment ago, nephew; but this last frank confession of thine shows me I did thee wrong. Willkommen zu Hause, Jann, drunk or sober, willcommen zu Cracowen." More and more mystified, but convinced of the folly of any further explanation, Mr.

"Starboard, or the main topgallant masthead will befoul of the limb of that tree. Foretop, there lie out on the larboard fore yardarm, and be ready to shove her off, if she sheers too close." "Let go the anchor," struck in the first lieutenant. Splash the cable rumbled through the hause hole. "Now here are we brought up in paradise," quoth the doctor.

"He, the ill-fa'ard loon!" answered Edie, with much frankness of manner "there wad hae been little speerings o't had Dustansnivel ken'd it was there it wad hae been butter in the black dog's hause." "I thought as much," said Oldbuck.

"I'd sooner stay here, if I may," replied Wyllard. "I don't quite know yet if I'll go on to-morrow. One can get through to Langley Dale by the Hause, as I think you call it?" The wrinkled dame said that pedestrians often went that way. "There are some prosperous folks people of station living round here?" Wyllard asked casually. "There's the vicar.

Und immer irrte ich naeh Liebe, immer Nach Liebe, doch die Liebe fand ich nimmer, Und kehrte um nach Hause, krank und trübe. Doch da bist du entgegen mir gekommen, Und ach! was da in deinem Aug’ geschwommen, Das war die süsse, langgesuchte Liebe.”

Sae what's to come o' us I canna weel see I doubt I'll hae to tak the hills wi' the wild whigs, as they ca' them, and then it will be my lo to be shot down like a mawkin at some dikeside, or to be sent to heaven wi' a Saint Johnstone's tippit about my hause."

Dean within? I demanded of the dame. 'Mistress Dean? Nay! she answered, 'she doesn't bide here: shoo's up at th' Heights. 'Are you the housekeeper, then? I continued. 'Eea, aw keep th' hause, she replied. 'Well, I'm Mr. Lockwood, the master. Are there any rooms to lodge me in, I wonder? I wish to stay all night. 'T' maister! she cried in astonishment. 'Whet, whoiver knew yah wur coming?

Aloft, a cloud of white sail swelled to the breeze, till the cloth seemed inclined to say goodby to the bolt ropes, bending the masts like willow wands, as if the devil, determined to beat Paganini himself, was preparing fiddlesticks to play a spring with, on the cracking and straining weather shrouds and backstays, and tearing her sharp wedge like bows out of the bowels of the long swell, until the cutwater, and ten yards of the keel next to it, were hove clean out of the sea, into which she would descend again with a roaring plunge, burying every thing up to the hause holes, and driving the brine into mist, over the fore top, like vapour from a waterfall, through which, as she rose again, the bright red copper on her bows flashed back the sunbeams in momentary rainbows.

"It looks as if they were out of hearing; and the slope ahead of us seems uncommonly steep by the way those stones went down. Do you think Mabel has taken Carroll down the Stanghyll ridge?" "I can't tell," answered Evelyn. "It's comforting to remember that she knows it better than I do. I think we ought to make for the Hause; there's only one place that's really steep.

To accomplish this object, let the pipe which it is desired to attach be put through the leaden hause, and let the space between the pipe and the lead be packed with gasket and white lead, to which a little olive oil has been added.