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So I said, "Yes," without hesitation, though knowing little more of the Rauhe Haus than that it was a reform school of some kind. "I will call for you in the morning," said my friend, as we parted for the night. The morning was clear and bright, and I had hardly despatched my breakfast when Herr X. appeared with his carriage.

I assented, and he continued. "These young men are its most active promoters. The philanthropy of Wichern was not satisfied, until he had established also several families of vagrant girls at his Rough House. But see, we are approaching our destination. This is the Rauhe Haus." As he spoke, our carriage stopped. We alighted, and rarely has my eye been greeted by a pleasanter scene.

Thus the French artist, Jacob Stella, who died in 1647, invariably signs his pictures with a star a device which the modern artist, Frederic Morgenstern, has applied to himself, representing his own name by the letter M, prefixed to the same symbol. Haus Weiner, in allusion to the genial beverage from which his name is derived, marked his works with the sign of a bunch of grapes.

The paintings on the Haus zum Tanz he pronounced 'pretty good." But it was not to be. His New Year's offering to the King on the opening of 1539 was a portrait, probably the oil painting in the Hague Gallery, of the infant Prince of Wales.

I worked hard all winter, however, and heard lots of new music at the Cur Haus, which was like manna in the desert after my long French famine.

In Los Angeles they went directly to the Deutsches Haus and presented a letter of introduction to Hermann Schwinn who assigned them quarters at the home of Max Edgan, one of Schwinn's lieutenants. The students then made a detailed report to Schwinn on the political work they were carrying out at Georgia Tech.

"The conspirators have all received some friendly notice, and the only two who are in custody are the syndic, Mynheer Krause, and the woman who keeps the Lust Haus." "And you put the syndic down as an innocent person, my lord!" "If your majesty will be pleased to read this communication," replied Lord Albemarle, presenting Ramsay's letter and enclosures, "you will then be of my opinion."

Smallbones had but just finished his work in time; for the widow having been summoned to her guests in the Lust Haus, had left Vanslyperken alone, and the lieutenant thought this a good opportunity to look after his four-footed favourite. He came out into the yard, where he found Smallbones, and he had his misgivings. "What are you doing here, sir?"

"But then," cried the young man, beside himself, now that the terrors of the situation dawned upon his understanding, "he must be a traitor! He is going to deliver up the Emperor!" "Are you only now finding this out?" sadly queried the old soldier. Lieutenant Haus once more turned to the strange officer. "Then," he asked, "it is Colonel Lopez who introduced you here?" "Certainly," he replied.

At 2 a. m. a young officer of artillery, Lieutenant Albert Haus,* to whose special care his superior officer had intrusted the handling of two pieces which, in the plan laid for the intended sortie, were to defend the entrance of the huerta, or garden, of La Cruz, was awakened, as previously arranged, by his old sergeant, as he slept, wrapped in his zarape, by the side of his battery.