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Without further words they seized him and hurried into the darkness. They dragged him a few yards from the house into a clump of dead brush. Weiner was the chosen headsman. He swung his big savage figure before Wilkinson and his cutlass flashed in the starlight.

If Oliver should kill his father or the old man should kill the brother! He couldn't face the hideous possibility. Yet he couldn't stop them. Fortunately there were no other witnesses to the fight. Townsley was busy at the stable with the team. Weiner and Thompson had gone into the house to complete their packing of provisions for the journey.

And then it came out that it was my birthday, and the Weiner girls, who knew it already, told most of the other guests and nearly everyone came to wish me many happy returns. Olga and Nelly had done so in the morning, and had given me a huge nosegay of wild flowers and another of cut flowers. This afternoon we are all going to Flagg; it is lovely there. Evening: I must write some more.

She looked neither to the right hand nor to the left, and transacted her business in the shop with a coolness which gave little Mr. Weiner nothing to remark except her proud grace of manner, and the superior size and quality of the three central turquoises in the necklace she offered him.

He had supposed, as a matter of course, that it was the long-threatened attack of enemies on Weiner's store. Weiner, a big, quarrelsome Austrian, had been in more than one fist fight with his neighbors. Brown studied Townsley and decided to give him but a hint of his true purpose. He didn't like this sign of weakness on the eve of great events.

"Jest slip on yer shoes and britches," Doyle called. The Surveyor held the lantern behind his body until the three sons had come down the ladder and he saw that they were unarmed. He stepped to the fireplace, took the shotgun from the rack and handed it to Weiner. The boys, startled at the group of stern armed men, instinctively moved toward their father, dazed by the assault.

The woman inside the darkened house heard the crash of the blade against the skull and the dying groan from the lips of the father of her babies. When the body crumpled, Weiner knelt, plunged his knife into the throat, turned it and severed the jugular vein. Standing over the body John Brown spoke to one of his men. "The horses, saddles and bridles from the stable quick!"

He selected six men to accompany him on his mission, his four sons who had made up the Surveyor's party, his son-in-law, Henry Thompson, and Theodore Weiner. Owen, Salmon, Oliver and Frederick Brown knew every foot of the ground. They had carried the chain, set the markers and flags and kept the records. He called his men in line and issued his first command: "To the house of James Townsley."

I have written all this to Hella; I miss her dreadfully, for after all the Weiner girls are only strangers, and I could never tell my secrets to Dora, though we are quite on good terms now. Oswald is coming to-morrow. August 1st. A young man has a fine time of it. He comes and goes when he likes and where he likes.

A far-away expression came into his eyes. "No no not that." "Then you'll both follow and keep out of my way until we have finished the work and then come back with me?" "Yes," Oliver answered. "Yes," Frederick echoed vaguely. Townsley and Weiner were coming with the pair of grays to be hitched to the wagon. Weiner led his own pony already saddled.