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To be sure, during the sermon I was suddenly brought up "all standing" by the amazing statement that the "Harch Hangels go Hup, Hup, Hup." One felt in one's bones that this was a misapprehension. The very earnest clergyman may have noticed my obvious disagreement, for at the close he announced, "We will now sing the 398th hymn" "Day of Wrath, oh!

Wait till I set a jolly good flint a-flyin' at the back o' 'is jolly old 'ed some day! Now look t'other side the harch; not the side where Jarsper's door is; t'other side. 'I see. 'A little way in, o' that side, there's a low door, down two steps. That's Topeseses with 'is name on a hoval plate. 'Good. See here, said Mr. Datchery, producing a shilling. 'You owe me half of this. 'Yer lie!

He'd seen one like it earlier today. That one spouted fire and went up out of sight. He was wary of this one. He grumbled: "Those pipes in the back of it steer clear of 'em. They spit fire. No door on this side. Don Loris said knock on the door. We go around the front. Frrrrd harch! two, three, four, hup, two, three, four. Left turn here and mind those rocks.

"All right," he said shortly. "Thal, march 'em over." Thal gulped. He loosened his seat belt. The enlistment of the seven in the pirate fleet was tacitly acknowledged. They were unarmed save for the conventional large knives at their belts. "Frrrd, harch!" rasped Thal with a lump in his throat. "Two, three, four. Hup two, three, four. Hup "

They were still in a happy mood because of the plunder they'd brought back. It was much more than a mere retainer could usually hope for in a year. "What's this all about, Thal?" demanded one of them as Thal arranged them in two lines to make a proper military appearance, spears dressed upright and garrison-shields on their left arms. "Frrrrd harch!" barked Thal, and they swung into motion.

My uncle tells your ladiship the truth: We are noe peasants or unhonorable To be affronted with indignities. Suc. Here are men that has seene service. Bunch. At a mustring or ith Artillery garden. Lady. 'Twas past my pleasure, good Sir Geffery, you have had such harch entertainement from them: henceforth Ile lay my charge upon them to be more tractable. Mr. Alexander, goe call my daughters hither.

Was a large ditch 'ere, sir, and another there, and a stone bridge betwixt the two, and the young bucks in them days did use to practice harchery right 'ere where you see the lamp-post. The Guild'all is hin the gate, sir, right hinside it, with a passage hup. I'll drive through the harch, sir, and you'll see the hother side. Cluck!"