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But Dallam's interest in life woke anew when one evening, as he was putting away the clothes Dyckman had thrown off, he searched his master's coat and found a letter from Mrs. Cheever. DEAR OLD JIM, What's happent you? I haven't seen you for ages. Couldn't you spare this evening to me? I'm alone as always and lonelier than usual. Do take pity on Your devoted CHARITY C.

He lifted the thing from off the minister, who rose not much hurt, but both amazed and offended at the mishap, and went to his mother in the kitchen. "Dinna say muckle to yer mither, Jeames laad," said his father as he went; "that is, dinna explain preceesely hoo the ill-faured thing happent.

"That luiks ill for Phemy," remarked Malcolm, when she had described his forlorn condition. "She canna be wi' 'im, or he wadna be like that. Hae ye onything by w'y o' coonsel, mem?" "I wad coonsel a word wi' the laird himsel' gien 't be to be gotten. He mayna ken what 's happent her, but he may tell ye the last he saw o' her, an' that maun be mair nor ye ken."

Robbie! Johnnie! We're a' beeriet alive!" "Preserve's a', Robert! what's happent?" cried his wife, rushing from the kitchen. "I'm no beeriet, that I ken o'," cried Robert the younger, entering from the yard. His father rushed to the back-door, and, to his astonishment and relief, saw the whole world about him. It was a private judgment, then, upon him and his shop.

Maggie, on her part, had for some time noted that they were making very slow progress. "She's deid cripple!" said Andrew at length, straightening his long back from an examination of Jess's fore feet, and coming to Maggie's side of the cart with a serious face. "I dinna believe the crater's fit to gang ae step furder! Yet I canna see what's happent her."

"Then you cannot tell what changes may have taken place in your dwelling during your absence?" said Potts. "Of course not," replied Jem, "boh ey dunna see how ony chawnges con ha' happent i' so short a time." "But I do, if you do not, sirrah," said Potts. "Be pleased to give me your plan, Master Newell. I have a further question to ask him," he added, after consulting it for a moment.

Ye see, Miss Elsie, her an' me was at the schuil thegither, an' we happent to tak' up wi' the same kin' o' thing, partic'larly algebra an' geometry, an' can ill haud oor tongues frae them whan we forgather. The day, it's been to the prejudice o' oor mainners, an' I beg ye to owerluik it."

She was a buyer, one of Miss Ferber's Emma McChesneys on a lark. Gilfoyle did not tell Kedzie any of this. He told what followed as he toiled at the fearfully complicated problem of his shoe-laces, a problem rendered almost insuperable by the fact that he could not hold his foot high very long and dared not hold his head low at all. "Wonnerful thing happent t'night, Anita.

Ye can never win upo' the back o' her, for as guid a rider as ye're weel kent to be, my bairn. Sae wull ye hae a drappy parritch an' ream? or wad ye prefar a sup of fine gruel, sic as yer mother used to like weel frae my han', whan it sae happent I was i' the hoose?"

"Oh, Robbie, lad," said Matthew, as if by a sudden thought, "John Jackson met Willy Ray coming frae Carlisle, and what think ye hes happent?" "Nay, what?" said Robbie, turning pale again. "Ralph Ray and Sim Stagg are condemned to death for t' murder of auld Wilson." Robbie leapt to his feet. "The devil!" "Come, dunnet ye tak on like the Quakers," said Matthew.