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I had no supporter I gave way; and now my life is a burden and a shame to me . . . Oh, if you only knew how much to me this request to you is how my life is wrapped up in it, you could not deny me! 'This is almost beyond endurance Heaven support us, he groaned. 'Emmy, you are the Duchess of Hamptonshire, the Duke of Hamptonshire's wife; you must not go with me! 'And am I then refused?

When she had finished, the mother suddenly stooped and kissed her. "Where are you going to now, Gertrude? Are you staying on with that lady in Hamptonshire?" "Can't tell you my plans just yet," said Gertrude sleepily "but you'll know next week." The lights were put out. Both women tried to sleep, and Gertrude was soon heavily asleep. But as soon as it was light, Mrs.

'How came that person to be your Duchess? he asked in a firm, distinct voice, when he had attained complete self-command. 'Where is her other Grace of Hamptonshire? There certainly was another. I know it. 'Oh, the previous one! Yes, yes. She ran away years and years ago with the young curate. Mr. Hill was the young man's name, if I recollect. 'No! She never did.

From their own part of England came many that they knew; among the rest, Lord and Lady Purbeck, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, Sir John Grebe, the Drenkhards, Lady Stourvale, the old Duke of Hamptonshire, the Bishop of Melchester, the Dean of Exonbury, and other lesser lights of Court, pulpit, and field.

She lived not far from the long, fashionable Hamptonshire Square, and he went thither with expectations of having a highly emotional time, at least. But somehow the very bell-pull seemed cold, although she had so earnestly asked him to come. As the house spoke, so spoke the occupant, much to the astonishment of the sculptor.

Some fifty years ago, the then Duke of Hamptonshire, fifth of that title, was incontestibly the head man in his county, and particularly in the neighbourhood of Batton. He came of the ancient and loyal family of Saxelbye, which, before its ennoblement, had numbered many knightly and ecclesiastical celebrities in its male line.

By the tooth of Peter! it would be a bad thing if I could not muster many a Hamptonshire man who would be ready to strike in under the red flag of St. George, and the more so if Sir Nigel Loring, of Christchurch, should don hauberk once more and take the lead of us."

From a distance came voices; and an apparent noise of persons stamping. "What's that?" murmured the old woman. "Oh, that's the doctors in the theatre, conferring honorary degrees on the Duke of Hamptonshire and a lot more illustrious gents of that sort. It's Remembrance Week, you know. The cheers come from the young men." "Aye; young and strong-lunged! Not like our poor boy here."

'I thought you told me that the Duchess of Hamptonshire 'That is the Duchess, said his informant. 'But there is another? 'No; there is no other. 'But she is not the Duchess of Hamptonshire who used to Alwyn's tongue stuck to his mouth, he could get no farther. 'What's the matter? said his acquaintance. Alwyn had retired, and was supporting himself against the wall.

Alwyn was in a state of indescribable bewilderment. But, unmanned as he was, he called the next day on the, to him, spurious Duchess of Hamptonshire. At first she was alarmed at his statement, then cold, then she was won over by his condition to give confidence for confidence.