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'Who is he? said Mr. Millborne. 'My Frances's lover. I am so sorry she is not at home! Ah! they have told him where she is, and he has gone to find her . . . I hope that suit will prosper, at any rate! 'Why shouldn't it? 'Well, he cannot marry yet; and Frances sees but little of him now he has left Exonbury. He was formerly doing duty here, but now he is curate of St.

He watched Picotee and her brother off the premises, and the pair went on their way towards Exonbury Crescent, very few words passing between them. Picotee's thoughts had turned to the proposed visit to Knollsea, and Joey was sulky under disappointment and the blank of thwarted purposes.

'Well, come in, however, continued the miller, as his son remained with his hand on the door-post, surveying them reflectively. 'I cannot stay long, said John, advancing. 'The Route is come, and we are going away. 'Going away! Where to? 'To Exonbury. 'When? 'Friday morning. 'All of you? 'Yes; some to-morrow and some next day. The King goes next week.

There is much contrast between him and Stevenson in this respect. The Scotchman has embodied in his fine books the experiences of life in a dozen different quarters of the globe. Hardy, with more robust health, has traveled from Portland to Bath, and from 'Wintoncester' to 'Exonbury, journeys hardly more serious than from the blue bed to the brown. And it is better thus.

Thousands of men would have forgotten all about it; so would you, perhaps, if you had married and had a family. Did she ever marry? 'I don't think so. O no she never did. She left Toneborough, and later on appeared under another name at Exonbury, in the next county, where she was not known.

They could not stay so long to-night as on that earlier and more cheerful occasion, and the final adieus were spoken at an early hour. It was no mere playing at departure, as when they had gone to Exonbury barracks, and there was a warm and prolonged shaking of hands all round. 'You'll wish the poor fellows good-bye? said Bob to Anne, who had not come forward for that purpose like the rest.

The letter was one that Anne had written to him at Exonbury. Bob stood perplexed; and then a suspicion crossed his mind that John, from brotherly goodness, might be feigning a satisfaction with recent events which he did not feel. Bob now made a noise with the shutters, at which the trumpet-major rose and went out, Bob at once following him.

I was additionally informed by a friend whom I met yesterday on his way to the House of Lords, that her name is Mrs. Petherwin Christian name Ethelberta; and that she resides with her mother-in-law at their house in Exonbury Crescent. The marriage was a secret one, and much against the wish of her husband's friends, who are wealthy people on all sides.

From their own part of England came many that they knew; among the rest, Lord and Lady Purbeck, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, Sir John Grebe, the Drenkhards, Lady Stourvale, the old Duke of Hamptonshire, the Bishop of Melchester, the Dean of Exonbury, and other lesser lights of Court, pulpit, and field.

So matters stood when, a year after the death of the child, Mrs. Palmley's niece, who had been born and bred in the city of Exonbury, came to live with her. 'This young woman Miss Harriet Palmley was a proud and handsome girl, very well brought up, and more stylish and genteel than the people of our village, as was natural, considering where she came from. She regarded herself as much above Mrs.