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In 1898 Bishop Joyce, of the Methodist Church, and his wife took a trip to the Orient to visit the mission stations. While in Kiukiang they became so much interested in the two girls, Anna Stone and I-lien Tang, that they offered to take them back to America with them. The autumn of 1898 therefore found Anna in America, the country of her dreams, and a student in Hamline University.

Brother Brooks subsequently filled out the balance of Brother Tucker's year at Fond du Lac, and was then stationed at Jackson Street, Milwaukee. He was subsequently made President of the Hamline University, and at the present writing is Professor in the State University of Minnesota. Dr. Brooks, for such is his present title, is a prime man in every respect.

John Clark Trustees Rev. James Ash Rev. David Worthington Rev. Julius Field Rev. John Crummer First Church Rev. John T. Mitchell Rev. Sias Bolles Lantern Convert Second Church Rev. A. Hanson Rev. Dr. Ryan John H. Van Dyke Rev. F.M. Mills Rev. James E. Wilson Walker's Point First Class Rev. Wm. Willard. The Conference of 1850 was held June 26th at Beloit, Bishop Hamline presiding.

She therefore planned to fit herself for some other form of service which would involve less physical strain, and left Hamline, after having been there only one year. But she left behind her many warm friends among the students, some of whom had become Christians as a result of the consistent and beautiful Christian life of this young Chinese girl.

A Night in the Openings. Rev. Uriel Farmin. Going to Conference. Madison. Visit at Platteville. Bishop Hamline. Humorous to Grave. Galena Conference. The work of the Mission was now well in hand. But already the field was becoming extended and the labor onerous. Thirteen regular preaching places had been established, and invitations were being received weekly to increase the number.

Early the next morning, we received an invitation to spend the afternoon, in company with others, at Major Roundtree's, with Bishop Hamline. We went. The company was composed mostly of preachers, on their way to Conference. Among them were the Mitchells and Haneys. Of the first, there were Father Mitchell, a grand old Patriarch, John T. James, and Frank.