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The little town of Hambantotte, with a good harbor for small craft, is about twenty miles distant, to which there is a good cart road. The water of these lakes is a perfect brine.

The country around Hambantotte is absolutely frightful-wide extending plains of white sand and low scrubby bushes scattered here and there; salt lakes of great extent, and miserable plains of scanty herbage, surrounded by dense thorny jungles. Notwithstanding this, at some seasons the whole district is alive with game.

The whole of this country is almost uninhabited, and accordingly undisturbed. Yalle is the nearest town of importance, from which a good road, lined on either side with cocoa-nut and bread-fruit trees, extends as far as Tangalle, fifty miles. A few miles beyond this village the wild country begins, and Hambantotte is the next station, nearly ninety miles from Yalle.

In those days the kings of Ceylon were perpetually at war with each other. The Queen of the South, from the great city of Mahagam in the Hambantotte district, made constant war with the kings of Pollanarua.

There are several rivers in Ceylon whose banks would produce good cotton and tobacco, especially those in the districts of Hambantotte and Batticaloa; such as the "Wallawé," the "Yallé river," the "Koombookanaar," etc.; but even here the good soil is very limited, lying on either bank for only a quarter of a mile in width.

Capabilities of Ceylon Deer at Illepecadewe Sagacity of a Pariah Dog Two Deer at One Shot Deer-stalking Hambantotte Country Kattregam Festival Sitrawelle Ruins of Ancient Mahagam Wiharewelle A Night Attack upon Elephants Shooting by Moonlight Yalle River Another Rogue A Stroll before Breakfast A Curious Shot A Good Day's Sport.

This road, which forms a direct line of communication from the port of Hambantotte to Newera Ellia, is now much used for the transport of coffee from the Badulla estates, to which a cheap supply of salt and fish would be a great desideratum. The native is a clever fellow at fishing.