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Then pale and pain-fretted, heavy-eyed and weary, feebly half-lying in a great chair, still, an unheeded locket scarce held by his thin fingers, his forehead wrinkled with cruel twinges, the sweet bowed lines of his lips twisted in whimpering puckers, the curls upon his vein-traced temples unnaturally bright, as with clamminess, a painful picture for a mother's eyes!

It was not a time nor a place for argument, and in token of agreement with him I took up the lead. I did not attempt to go forward rapidly; but, half-lying upon the ground, I crept onward inch by inch, removing carefully with my hands every twig or dry leaf which might be in the path, lest by the lightest rustling of the branches I give warning to the quick-eared enemy of our approach.

Frau Lenore was not quite well; she had a sick headache, and, half-lying down in an easy chair, she tried to keep perfectly still.

He stopped; he saw a light-coloured dress on the ground somebody half-lying on the seat, so still just then, he wondered if the person, whoever it was, had fallen ill or fainted. He paused to watch. In a minute or two the sobs broke out again the words. It was Miss Gibson crying out in a broken voice, 'Oh, papa, papa! if you would but come back!

Avery was stooping over the injured foot. Jeanie was propped sideways, half-lying against Piers' knee. "Don't touch it, please, Aunt Avery!" she whispered. The other children had drawn round in an interested group. "It looks like a fracture to me," observed Olive in her precise voice. Piers flashed her a withering glance. "Mighty lot you know about it!" he retorted rudely. Pat sniggered.

"What shall we do now?" asked Clover, while little Phil tipped the baskets upside down, as if to make sure there was nothing left that could possibly be eaten. "I don't know," replied Katy, dreamily. She had left her seat, and was half-sitting, half-lying on the low, crooked bough of a butternut tree, which hung almost over the children's heads.

One probably represented a cat without a tail, like the Manx breed, half-lying upon the back of the horse, and laying its paw on the shoulder of the youth mounted before it; and the other looked like a dog, with open mouth, apparently barking with all his might, running among the feet of the horse.

Her next sensation was of half-sitting, half-lying in an uneasy arm-chair a chair which jolted, slid and swung, and then again glided smoothly. There was something hairy over her face, and she drew her breath with difficulty. She was in a car the weight on her face was the hairy side of a rug. Movement seemed impossible, and the fur now and then hurt her eyes.

The blinds in Martin's room were down, and he was half-sitting, half-lying in bed, with his head turned away from her. "That you, father? has Taylor come?" "No, it's me, dearie. I've come to see what I can do for you." The sight of him huddled there in the pillows, restless, comfortless, neglected, wrung her heart. Hitherto her love for Martin had been singularly devoid of intimacy.

Now, one day this led to an incident so extraordinary, so unexpected, that it is necessary to relate with some detail. It was on the morning of February 9th, Jack, half-lying on the deck, was amusing himself forming a word which old Tom was to put together again, after the letters had been mixed.