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'How do you do? she said, shaking hands with him. 'Mr. Wendover Miss Wolf, our German mistress. The Fraeulein blushed, sniggered, and curtseyed. 'This gentleman is Bessie Wendover's first cousin, Fraeulein, said Ida, with an explanatory air. 'He was staying at The Knoll during the last part of my visit.

Wonder how she'll enjoy spending her honeymoon about forty feet from Dubois's shearing-pens," she sniggered. "Well, no matter what comes up in the future, I've settled her; she's out of the way for good and all, and I've kept my word she'll never marry Ogden Van Lennop!" Yet she was aware that there was hollowness in her triumph that it was marred by a nameless fear which she refused to admit.

Here I, listening, sniggered, for it was blown about the city that Messer Brunetto had his passions or fancies or vagaries, call them what you will, and humored them out of school hours. "For the present," he went on, "read deep and lie chaste, and so farewell."

"Hello, Jake," she called, a little loudly to warn Andy, "how air ye?" "Pretty tol'able, thank ye, Tess," Brewer answered politely, "how air you, and how's yer pa?" "Daddy's pretty bad this mornin'," she told him, a reluctant smile appearing for a moment at the corners of her mouth. "Pshaw! Tessie, ye don't tell me. It air the heat, ain't it? But Tess, I air got somethin' for you," he sniggered.

We bent all our spare lines; we unrove sheets and halyards; we used our two-inch hawser; we fastened lines part way up the mast, half way up, and everywhere else. We toiled and sweated and enounced our mutual and sincere conviction that God's grudge still held against us. Country yokels came down on the wharf and sniggered at us.

Considerably squashed, Ingred had for once to acknowledge her botany to be at fault, and, though Bess did not triumph, Francie gave Kitty a poke and the pair giggled. "Well, of course, one can't be always right," said Ingred airily. "So it seems; though some people set themselves up for wiseacres!" sniggered Kitty. Ingred fell behind with Verity and let the others walk on.

"And a quarter of an hour left to put on the tirara," sniggered the second footman. "The lot is asked for eight-thirty." "Swells, the bunch, windin' up with the brother of an Emperor 'struth!" "I'll bet the Emperor's brother ain't above takin' a tip about shares on the Rand, me boy." "I'll bet none of 'em ain't. That's why they come not forgetting th' grub and the fizz."

"He's always saying things that have no sense in them at all, and then laughing at them as if they were jokes. Yesterday, when they asked him if he'd have some more tea he said 'Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more, and then sniggered all over. I didn't see anything funny in that.

The maid-servant sniggered, but having some sympathy with what she discovered was his mission, summoned the housekeeper, who eyed him askance, and directed him to Bloomsbury; and after a descent into a grocer's shop, and an adventure which ended in an angry altercation in a servants' registry office, he was driven to a large building which adjoined the parish infirmary and workhouse.

'Good-morning, Miss Foster, said Henry hurriedly. Then a pause occurred, very brief but uncomfortable, and the stranger glanced in the direction of the window. 'Let me introduce you to Mrs. Ashton Portway, said Geraldine. 'Mrs. Portway, Mr. Knight. Mrs. Portway bent forward her head, showed her teeth, smiled, laughed, and finally sniggered. 'So glad to make your acquaintance, Mr.