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It has been fairly earned! Give the ghost his shroud, Gardener, and let him go; and recommend him not to haunt Yew-lane in future." John did so, with a few words of parting advice on his own account. "Be hoff with you," he said. "Master Lindsay, he speaks like a book. You're a disgrace to your hage and sect, you are! I'd as soon fight with an old char-woman.

"Knit hands and beat the ground In a light, fantastic round," would have shamed the skilled volubility of Sheharazade. "Look!" said the story-teller, summing up; "you take hanny 'istory of France an' see the hage of my familie. Pipple talk about de Boulignys, de Sauvés, de Grandprès, de Lemoynes, de St. Maxents, bla-a-a! De Grandissimes is as hole as de dev'! What?

A boy brought me a tankard of tawny Munich beer, and, sipping it, I watched. People passed in and out, but nobody spoke to the sailor in mufti. When a quarter of an hour elapsed, a platform door opened, and a raucous voice shouted: 'Hage, Dornum, Esens, Wittmund! A knot of passengers jostled out to the platform, showing their tickets.

Ile to the new raisd Soldiers And make them firme. Giles. Ile muster up the Burgers And make them stand upon their guard. Mod. For me Ile not be wanting. Bar. Ile back to the Hage And something there Ile doe that shall divert The torrent that swells towards us, or sinck in it; And let this Prince of Orange seat him sure, Or he shall fall when he is most secure.

Still he to whom these fearful disclosures were being made remained as silent and motionless as an Indian captive, and, after another pause, with its painful accompaniment of small sounds, the fair speaker resumed with more energy, as befitting the approach to an incredible climax: "Some day', 'Sieur Grandissime, id mague me fo'gid my hage! I thing I'm young!"

"But for my hage, and the confounded prejudices of society," he said, surveying himself in the glass, "dammy, James Morgan, you might marry her yourself," But if he could not marry Miss Blanche and her fortune, Morgan thought he could mend his own by the possession of this information, and that it might be productive of benefit to him from very many sources.

"Ghost, indeed!" And withering scorn was expressed in the very tone of her ejaculation. "When you're my hage you'll have learned to take no 'eed of such nonsense! There's no such a thing; and I'm surprised as a Catholic girl, born and bred, should be that superstitious! You mustn't believe such rubbish!"

Then I should find a blue line called the Neues Tief leading to Dornumersiel, on the coast. That explored, I could pass on to Nesse, where there was another blue line to Nessmersiel. All this was on the way to Norden, and I should have the railway constantly at my back, to carry me there in the evening. I could catch this at Hage Station at 7.5.

The National Liberal Leaders, Alfred Hage, Carl Ploug, etc., had opened their hearts and houses to him. It is said that at one time Heiberg had held back; the well-bred old man, a little shocked by the somewhat noisy ways of the young genius, is said to have expressed to his friend Krieger some scruples at inviting him to his house. To Krieger's jesting remark: "What does it matter!

Norden was still the objective, but mainly as a railway junction, only remotely as a seaport. Though the possible rendezvous were eight, the possible stations were reduced to five Norden, Hage, Dornum, Esens, Wittmund all on one single line.