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"I'd back the girl against anything I ever met up with when she has her artillery. By the way, Myra, have your neighbors below called yet?" "No at least, not while I have been at home. I have been berrying, two or three times. They might have come while I was out." "Has Sibyl met them yet?" came the next question. "She has not mentioned it, if she has." "H-m-m," mused Brian Oakley.

The dear boy's coming that far with the battery only on his way home to us!" "H-m-m!" Flora nodded in sore irony, but then smiled with recovered poise: "From Tennessee who will bring him before they have firs' fight another battle? and he my brother?" her smile grew droll. "Your brother sure to be in it!" gasped Anna.

And that was Henry Plummer, that killed a hundred men, him an' his gang." "H-m-m," murmured the sheriff, and looked uneasily about. Now that his eyes were turned away, Vic could study him at leisure, and he wondered at the smallness of the man. Suppose one were able to lay hands on him it would be easy to "See you later, boys," drawled Glass, and sauntered from the room.

"H-m-m," said Kennedy McClure, "if you deposit the money here, and obtain a written security from his Highness to indemnify me for any damage to the horses or vehicle, you are at liberty to do as you like with Ben Marrick's equipage. On my side I shall arrange with Saunders Grieve, my yardsman, that you shall not be disquieted in taking them." "Would not a word from my Lord Wargrove suit you?"

A very decorative box was enclosed. "H-m-m!" gasped Heavy. "Nothing less than fancy nougatines in that." She was aiding the heartless throng, but did not know it. It would have never entered Heavy's mind to do a really mean thing. Ann untied the narrow red ribbon. She raised the cover. Tissue paper covered something very choice ? A dunce cap. For a moment Ann was stricken motionless.

She could not have been taken with the hair-lipped fellow at least, I should scarcely think so. Should you, William?" This time William did not answer at all. Dill, watching his bent head tenderly, puckered his face into his peculiar smile. "H-m-m! They stopped at the hotel to-night Bridgers, I mean. Drove in after dark from the ranch.

"They was shiverin' a wonderful lot, an' the cook was holdin' his head in his hands, just like Tommy Mib used t' do. "'Ay, b'y, says he. "'Ay, b'y, says the second hand. "'Been drilled too hard o' late, says the cook. 'We're all wore out along o' work an' worry. "I didn't wait for no more. 'H-m-m! says I, 'I thinks I'll take a look outside. "It was dawn then. Lord! what a sulky dawn it was!

They'd come a-running, Bud, from every joint and dance-hall, enough to run a battleship in no time, yes, sir. Why, Bud, even that squash-head of a piano-player would 'a' come if we'd ast him." "H-m-m you surely think well of people, Baldy." "No more strain than to think bad of 'em. But what'd be the use? Us two an' old Pete, who'll be sleepin' aboard, c'n run her, Bud."

Poor girl, she cried in the most heartbroken way when I told her we would not be likely to see her again, and I wonder what is the trouble between her and Walland? They used to be quite friendly, in a way, but she has not spoken to him, to my certain knowledge, since last spring. Whenever he came to the ranch she would go to her room and refuse to come out until he had left. H-m-m!

I am speaking not only for the welfare of my daughter Louise but for Beth and Patricia. Your nieces are charming girls, all three. With the advantages you have given them they may well become social celebrities." "H-m-m. Would they be happier so?" "Of course. Every true woman longs for social distinction, especially if it seems difficult to acquire.