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"Such frocks h'as h'I 'ave to do and the young lady no more caring!" had been a saying of the Hendricks that Jinny passed interestedly on to Jack. She had no memory of the young lady's name, but distinctly she recalled that she was young and beautiful and to marry a general. It was enough to launch Jinny's eager interest in Mohammedan marriages and foster the wish that she might attend one.

"My words hexackly when the baron's privit secretary told me two dys laiter as 'ow the baron's heggs wasn't done proper," said the ghost. "H'I says to 'im, says I: 'The baron's heggs be blowed. "I give it up," replied Terwilliger. "What?" "'E said as 'ow h'I 'ad the big 'ead." "How disgusting of him!" murmured Terwilliger. "That was simply low." "Hand then 'e accuged me of bein' himpudent." "No!"

Menard bet him twenty dollars that he'd outlast him." "'I'm getting all right, says he, 'but poor Promont's going to die. I'll get his twenty, sure! I turned to josh with the boy a bit, an' when I spoke to Menard he didn't answer. His jaw had sagged and he'd settled in his chair. Promont saw it, too, and cackled. 'H'I 'ave win de bet! H'I 'ave win de bet! That's all. He just slid off. Gee!

"It was a mean game of bluff," said Terwilliger. "I suppose, though, if you were the shade of a duchess, you could simply knock Bangletop silly?" "Yes, and the Baron of Peddlington too. 'E was the private secretary as said h'I 'ad the big 'ead." "H'm!" said Terwilliger, meditatively.

Katy in despair ran to Wilkins, the old waiter who was setting the breakfast-table. "Oh, please stop that man!" she said. "I want to see him." "What man is it, Miss?" said Wilkins. When he reached the window and realized what Katy meant, his sense of propriety seemed to receive a severe shock. He even ventured on remonstrance. "H'I wouldn't, Miss, h'if h'I was you.

The shoe trade is a blooming big thing, but the profits aren't big enough to divide with tramp ghosts." "Your tone is very 'aughty, 'Ankinson J. Terwilliger, but it don't haffeck me. H'I don't care 'oo pys the money, an' h'I 'aven't got you into this scripe. You've done that yourself. Hon the other 'and, sir, h'I've showed you 'ow to get out of it."

"H'anyway, right 'ere's where h'I stick, h'and once th' bloomin' 'eathen show a 'ead above the 'atchway, h'I 'ates t' think what'll 'appen to 'im."

"H'I'm simply the shide of a poor abused cook which is hafter revenge." "Ah!" ejaculated Terwilliger, raising his eyebrows, "this is getting interesting. You're a spook with a grievance, eh? Against me? I've never wronged a ghost that I know of." "No, h'I've no 'ard feelinks against you, sir," answered the ghost. "Hin fact h'I don't know nothink about you.

As the father of nine young children and thirty cows to milk with my wife's 'elp, I 'old she musn't be kep' from work, but h'I propose if we can't do anything else that a card of sympathy be sent to hold Hengland from the Creation Searchin' Society of America, tellin' 'em 'ow our 'earts bleeds for the men's sufferin' and 'ardships in 'avin' to leave their hoccupations to beat and 'aul round and drive females to jails, and feed 'em with rubber hose through their noses to keep 'em from starvin' to death for what they call their principles."

Hendricks was adding an orange blossom to the laces on the train. Then she sat back on her heels, her head a-tilt like a curious bird's, her eyes beaming sentimentally upon the bride. "The prettiest h'I h'ever did see," she pronounced with satisfaction, "H'as pretty as a wax figger now h'only a thought too waxy."