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Hortensia had approached this, all unheard on the soft turf, and stood there now, a heavenly apparition in white flimsy garments, head slightly a-tilt, eyes mocking, lips laughing, a heavy curl of her dark hair falling caressingly into the hollow where white neck sprang from whiter shoulder. "You make too rapid a recovery, sir," said she.

Nothing that Sancho said could dissuade him, and he must needs clap spurs to his horse and ride a-tilt at these great windmills, recommending himself to his lady Dulcinea. As he ran his lance into the sail of the first mill, the wind whirled about with such swiftness that the motion broke the lance into shivers, and hurled away both knight and horse along with it.

"Open all that doth hap to be closed," cried Nancy, embracing Olive excitedly. "Light the bonfires on the encroaching hills. Set casks a-tilt, and so forth." "It's the German letter!" said Gilbert at a venture. "What is the dinner, Kitty?" Mother Carey asked. "New potatoes and string beans from the aft garden. Stale bread made into milk toast to be served as a course.

But then, too, she did not know either that the town's great man had been riding a-tilt at his own soul, for several days on end, and just as Old Jerry had done, was seizing upon the first opportunity to salve the wounds resultant.

That young man Verty is the enemy I allude to. I want revenge." And Mr. Jinks rattled his sword. Ralph looked with a mischievous expression at his friend. "But I say," he observed, "how would a horse come in there? Do you want to run a-tilt against Sir Verty, eh? That is characteristic of you, Jinks!" "No," says Mr. Jinks, "I have other designs." "What are they?" "You are reliable!" "Reliable!

Hendricks was adding an orange blossom to the laces on the train. Then she sat back on her heels, her head a-tilt like a curious bird's, her eyes beaming sentimentally upon the bride. "The prettiest h'I h'ever did see," she pronounced with satisfaction, "H'as pretty as a wax figger now h'only a thought too waxy."

"Evangeline, we'll make Stefana's cake together; we'll take turns 'stirrin''! We'll do it over here and keep it a beautiful secret." The child was standing up now certainly, her wiry little body a-tilt with excitement, a-quiver with it. Evangeline's eyes shone. "Oh, I knew you would! I knew you would! You're such a nangel! If you was a kind of folks that liked to be kissed "

Corbet talked as much as either of the other two gentlemen; opposing and disputing on any side, as if to find out how much he could urge against received opinions. Ellinor sat silent; her dark eyes flashing from time to time in vehement interest sometimes in vehement indignation if Mr. Corbet, riding a-tilt at everyone, ventured to attack her father.

A great swirl of swallows came soaring out of the big kitchen chimneys and circled in the sky, darting down again and again upward. Through an open passage was a glimpse of a quadrangle, with its weed-grown spaces and litter of yellow leaves. A tawny streak, a red fox, sped through it as Dundas looked. A half-moon, all a-tilt, hung above it.

"Shore must be a sound sleeper," said Racey Dawson to himself, "if he really did just wake up." He buckled on his gunbelt, set his hat a-tilt on one ear, and went down to wash his face and hands in the common basin on the wash-bench outside the kitchen door. But Swing Tunstall was before him, and was disposed to make an issue of the dropped boots.