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The leather so prepared is not liable to stretch, and can be joined in the usual way by copper riveting, or the ends can be sewn. A good material for smaller belts, and for strings and bands for connecting larger ones, is that recently patented by Vornberger, in which the gut of cattle is the basis.

During our flight from Phutra I had restrung my bow with a piece of heavy gut taken from a huge tiger which Ghak and I had worried and finally dispatched with arrows, spear, and sword. The hard wood of the bow was extremely tough and this, with the strength and elasticity of my new string, gave me unwonted confidence in my weapon.

The hindermost end of the nephroduct opens right behind into the last section of the rectum, thus making a cloaca of it. However, this opening of the nephroducts into the intestine must be regarded as a secondary formation. Originally they open, as the Cyclostomes clearly show, quite independently of the gut, in the external skin of the abdomen.

While he was still debating this with himself, the old German came into the house. "Home, eh? Gut, gut! They are already yet watching the road." Roy's throat choked. "Who?" This question Rothgerber could not answer. In the dusk he had not recognized the men he had seen. Moreover, they had ridden into the brush to escape observation. Both of them had been armed with rifles.

Oh, 'twas lovely, an' stiddy, too! There was the Sargints on the flanks av what was left av us, kapin' touch, an' the fire was runnin' from flank to flank, an' the Paythans was dhroppin'. We opined out wid the widenin' av the valley, an' whin the valley narrowed we closed again like the shticks on a lady's fan, an' at the far ind av the gut where they thried to stand, we fair blew them off their feet, for we had expinded very little ammunition by reason av the knife work."

I found Monty shepherding the reserves he had brought down, watching through glasses from over the top of the spur that formed the left-hand wall of the gut of the pass. "I left Rustum Khan in my place," I began, expecting to be damned at once for absenting without leave. "Glad you came," he said, without turning his head.

Moss, I'm ready f'r pie now an' so I noticed ole Frank's eye kind o' roll, but thinksi, I c'n git holt o' the lines if he Yes'm, I alwiss eat mince; won't you try some, Sary? an' an' so, jest as I gut my ax You bet! I'm goin' t' try a piece of every kind if it busts my stummick. Gutta git my money's worth." Milton was in his best mood and was very attractive in his mirth.

They was makin' a lot of talk abaout haow they'd trim us to-morrer. They gut my blood to b'iling, and I told 'em a few things. That critter, Silence, begun to give me the laugh. He said us fellers made a lot of talk, but we didn't have sand to back it up. Dod bim him! I guess I showed him I had sand!"

Immediately under the thin corium, and closely connected with it, we find a thin muscle tube, as in the worms. On the other hand, the Ascidia has a centralised heart, and in this respect it seems to be more advanced than the Amphioxus. On the ventral side of the gut, some distance behind the gill-crate, there is a spindle-shaped heart.

All in all, you saw in Marian a woman designed to be petted, a Columbine rather than a Cleopatra; her lures would never shake the stability of a kingdom, but would inevitably gut its toy-shops; and her departure left you meditative less of high enterprises than of buying something for her. Now Marian considered her betrothed, and seemed to come at last to a conclusion that skirted platitude.