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He knew a good many boys who had been with him at the preparatory school. He felt more grownup, and instinctively realised that among the larger numbers his deformity would be less noticeable. But from the first day Mr. Gordon struck terror in his heart; and the master, quick to discern the boys who were frightened of him, seemed on that account to take a peculiar dislike to him.

"Please don't trouble yourself, I'm quite used to going about bare-headed." But the way she said it, like a queen! I must learn it from her. She is really shorter than I am, but at such moments she looks just like a grownup lady. I told her as much, and she rejoined: "Darling Rita, you can't learn a thing like that; it's inborn."

"Fishes for crabs, like his father?" I asked. "Yes, crabs and young girls," he answered with a frown. "A poor lot, these crab catchers, Signore. Was it the charcoal or a brush you wanted?" Francesco did not interest me, nor did the grownup sister; nor the mother, over whom Luigi also shrugged his shoulders. It was Loretta's chubbiness that delighted my soul.

Grownup lies. And what's more, some grownups never get over it. Perhaps Sitting Bull had given the fever to Injun, for the dog was trembling so that he shook the canoe; each particular hair stood on end, and if any one had stroked Bull, he probably would have got the electric shock of his life.

Olga Ivanovna went out. "I say, you promised on your word of honour!" said Alyosha, trembling all over. Belyaev dismissed him with a wave of his hand, and went on walking up and down. He was absorbed in his grievance and was oblivious of the boy's presence, as he always had been. He, a grownup, serious person, had no thought to spare for boys.

"Pleased to meet you," he said, just like grownup folks. Then Marmaduke piped up, "Make me acquainted, too." "To be sure," said the Toyman, "Mr. Marmaduke Green meet Mr. Jack Lantern." "Very glad to know you," said Marmaduke, bowing even lower than had Jehosophat, while Hepzebiah, dancing in her eagerness, shouted, "Make me 'quainted, make me 'quainted!"

Before luncheon was over, he had dragged out the two or three best stories in his wanderer's pack, and especially that one, which he saved for late firesides and the high moments of anecdotal exchange, about the charge at Caloocon. She drank down these tales of hike and jungle and firing-line like a seminary girl listening to her first grownup caller.

Then, quite sure that the snake was dead, he took it by the tail, felt again of the horned toad on his chest and went back to see what the ants were doing. When so responsible a person as a grownup stops to watch the orderly activities of an army of ants, minutes and hours slip away unnoticed. Buddy was absolutely fascinated, lost to everything else.

"It's a recognised principle that if you save a fellow's life, you 're bound to him for the rest of yours. But but won't you find him rather a burdensome responsibility when he's grownup?" she reflected. " Que voulez-vous?" reflected Peter. "Burdensome responsibilities are the appointed accompaniments of man's pilgrimage. Why not Francois Villon, as well as another?

You are far from home, and it is for me, which am the mistress here, to number your meals for me and the Dutch wife, your mother, that is far away: we two women shall settle that matter. Mind thou thine own business, being a man, and leave cooking and the like to us, that are in the world for little else that I see but to roast fowls, and suckle men at starting, and sweep their grownup cobwebs."