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"Yes; we shall get very pretty ones for thirty-seven cents a roll; all you want of a paper, you know, is to make a ground-tint to throw out your pictures and other matters, and to reflect a pleasant tone of light." "Well, John, you know Uncle James says that a stone-color is the best, but I can't bear those cold blue grays." "Nor I," says John.

"Well, I can find that, in good American paper, as I said before, at from thirty-seven to forty cents a roll. Then, our bordering: there's an important question, for that must determine the carpet, the chairs, and everything else. Now what shall be the ground-tint of our rooms?" "There are only two to choose between," says the lady, "green and maroon: which is the best for the picture?"

"Well, I can find that, in good American paper, as I said before, at from thirty-seven to forty cents a roll. Then our bordering: there's an important question, for that must determine the carpet, the chairs, and everything else. Now what shall be the ground-tint of our rooms?" "There are only two to choose between," says the lady, "green and maroon: which is the best for the picture?"

"Yes; we shall get very pretty ones for thirty-seven cents a roll; all you want of a paper, you know, is to make a ground-tint to throw out your pictures and other matters, and to reflect a pleasant tone of light." "Well, John, you know Uncle James says that a stone color is the best, but I can't bear those cold blue grays." "Nor I," says John.