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The hardest and grittiest of stones, tangled roots, and solid cakes of earth, which seemed to cohere by means of some subterranean cement, offered a complicated resistance, which was not what he had expected of Mother Earth. He began to fear that that much bepraised dame was something of a vixen after all.

"Getting poetic, eh?" cackled Griffith. "Don't laugh, Grif. It's too serious a matter. I'd do anything in the world for her. She's the truest, grittiest girl alive. She told me straight out, there at the last, that she she loved me." "Crickey!" ejaculated Griffith. "She told you that? she? Miss " "Hush! not so loud!" cautioned Blake. Again the color deepened in his bronzed cheeks.

He was the greasiest, messiest, grittiest and oiliest little boy that ever defied soap; and Harry always declared he was an automobile variety of coddling-moth or Colorado beetle or june-bug, who would wind up by spinning a cotton-waste cocoon in the center of the machinery and hatch out a million more like himself.

Before he went to the army "Willie" Smith had been a bashful boy who blushed when the guests spoke to him, but he faced them now with the assurance of a vaudeville entertainer as he introduced his "buddy": "Pinkey Fripp, of Wyoming a hero, ladies and gentlemen! The grittiest little soldier in the A.E.F., with a medal to prove it!"

But, as they beheld the guide deposit his burden, with its helplessly trailing head and limbs, a cheer in unsteady tones rang above the slackening rattle of earth and stones, and the far-away boom of the granite-block as it buried itself in the forest beneath. "Hurrah! for you, Herb, old boy," yelled Cyrus triumphantly. "That was the grittiest thing I ever saw done' Hurrah! Hurrah! Hoo-ray!"

All the same, we didn't wear out any more teeth on him after we got up the cleft and found the cubs. They were tender as spring lambs." "And Miss Genevieve went through all that!" "Yes. Told you she's the grittiest little girl ever and a lady! My God, when I think of it all! . . . Well, she's come through it alive.

"You don't really mean to say, major," she began in her dryest, grittiest manner, "that instead of sending to San Francisco for some skilled master-mechanic, you are going to listen to the vagaries of a conceited, half-educated farm-laborer, and employ him? You might as well call in some of those wizards or water-witches at once."

Forrest the boy girl, the child that never grew up, the grittiest puff of rose-dust that was ever woman." "My breath is quite taken away," Graham said. "Do your people do such stunts frequently?" "First time she ever did that," Forrest replied. "That was Mountain Lad. She rode him straight down the spill-way tobogganed with him, twenty-two hundred and forty pounds of him."

And yet if you could know He stopped short, and then added quietly, 'Well, will you accept all that as an apology? The very scrubbiest sackcloth made, and the grittiest ashes on the heap....I didn't mean to get worked up, he ended lamely. Mrs Manderson laughed, and her laugh carried him away with it.

The conduct of their days was a drive through the heaviest and most stubborn of materials, an arriving at something like order against the grittiest odds, and they must do it again and again. There is none to whom I cannot bow in the evening but the idealisation of the village lives is changed and there is knowledge. I had been getting too comfortable.