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If you can enjoy yourself there when you think of me and my like grilling in hell fire, upon my soul I don't envy you. One other little glance from a point of view other than that of Clapham impressed the lad.

However strange such a choice might seem to those of restless spirit, it was not more so than that of others who, careless of themselves, preferred a hole in the dust of the upper yard among the Buff Orpingtons, and the grilling heat of the midsummer sun. There must be differences of taste here as elsewhere.

Three first class men, two second class men and three members of the fourth class stood on the brink of almost instant dismissal. It was bitter for all of them, but it seemed especially hard to the first class men, who had survived the four years of hard grilling and were on the eve of graduation. However, there was no thought of running.

But all this toasting and buttering and grilling and frying your friends, and serving them up hot for all the old cats at a tea-table to mew over Pah!" Puffin was silent a moment in appreciation of these noble sentiments. "But you put in a lot of work over them," he said at length. "Often when I'm going up to bed, I see the light still burning in your sitting-room window."

There was no one crossing them, although, by the bright moonlight, I could see not a hundred paces away, more than 50,000 stragglers or men cut off from their regiments, whom we called "rotisseurs". These men, seated calmly before huge fires, were grilling pieces of horse-flesh, little thinking that they were beside a river, the passage of which would, the next day, cost many of them their lives, whereas at present they could cross it unhindered in a few minutes, and prepare their supper on the other side.

Slices of liver, well peppered with cayenne and salt, were grilling on the gridiron, and we were preparing to dine, when a terrific roar within a hundred and fifty yards informed us that a lion was also thinking of dinner.

To Fort Garry Down the Winnipeg Her Majesty's Royal Mail Grilling a Mail-bag Running a Rapid Up the Red River-A dreary Bivouac The President bolts The Rebel Chiefs Departure of the Regular Troops. I TOOK a very small canoe, manned by three Indians father and two sons and, with provisions for three days, commenced the descent of the river of rapids.

Shrill cowboy yells, whoops and cat calls and a rattling fire of revolver shots into the air greeted her achievement. "Grab him, you duffers!" shouted Hi Lang, running toward the bronco as he saw Grace wavering on her saddle. "Can't you see that game kid's all in?" It was only by the exercise of sheer pluck that Grace Harlowe had held her seat on the saddle throughout that grilling ride.

And for all the years and years and ages to come, he would be roasting and grilling in that place prepared for the devil and his angels and for murderers! In the acutest misery of it a trembling fit seized him and the oak seemed to rock and sway as if to be rid of him. When the fit passed he slid to the ground and flung himself face downward under the spreading branches.

He ran and began receiving and tossing as swiftly as he could, but as with the others so it was his turn now to be given such a grilling and tongue-lashing as falls to few of us in this world, let alone among the successful in the realm of the footlights. "Say, you're not an actor you're a woman! You're a stewed onion! Move! Move! Come on! Come on! Look at those motions now, will you?