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At high noon in the gardens of the Palais Royal, on the 13th, as the midday sun was scorching the flagstones to a grilling temperature, the sound of a tiny cannon shot smote the still summer air with an echo which did not cease reverberating for months. The careless, unthinking promenaders suddenly grew grave, then violently agitated and finally raving, heedlessly mad.

Oh, don't deny it, and don't tell polite fibs! I always shock people, and rather enjoy it than otherwise." "Harriet!" her father said, reprovingly. "She is a spoiled madcap, Sir Everard, and I am afraid the fault is mine. She has been everywhere with me in her seventeen years of life freezing amid the snows of Canada and grilling alive under the broiling sun of India.

"And got a team like that 'n outside, and not even goin' to Minóok?" "Guess not!" What made the feller so damn satisfied? Only one explanation was possible: he'd found a mine without going even as far as Minóok. He was a man to keep your eye on. A goodly aroma of steaming oysters and of grilling moose arose in the air.

This contest, against Filmore High School, was to be fought out on the Gridley field. "Your football season will soon be over, Dick," remarked Laura Bentley, one afternoon when Prescott and Darrin, on their way back from coach's gridiron grilling, met Laura and Belle on Main Street. "This season will soon be over," replied Dick "but I hope for another next year."

Wilson that good health was an absolutely important factor in dealing with the grilling duties which would face him during the coming four years, and that his physical well-being was vital not only to himself, but to the welfare of the entire country." The President has a dislike almost akin to abhorrence for mechanical appliances intended to exercise the muscles of the body.

"Come over there where we can talk." They crossed the grilling roadway, and, being wise in the heat, ordered "soft" drinks. "Now," said the stranger, "you've declared in on my game. Make good. What's your interest?" "None, personally. I like your looks, that's all," replied the other frankly. "And I don't like to see you run into that spider's web." "You know them?"

The surprise did not come until just before night closed in, shortly after ten o'clock that night. A hard, grilling day had been spent on the trail, with little relief from their labors, which were divided between hauling the ponies up dangerous slopes, down almost sheer walls, across glacial streams cold as ice, and last but not least the fighting of giant mosquitoes and black gnats.

"I 'll give you fifteen hundred dollars cash for the place," interrupted Donaldson. "And remember that I know you through and through. I even know how much you stole from old man Burnham." This was a chance shot, but it evidently went home from the sound of uneasy coughing and spluttering that came to him over the telephone. Donaldson found considerable amusement in grilling this country Shylock.

Later on they would agree that perhaps by this time there was a "break in the rains," and that nothing in the world was so trying as a break in the rains, the sun grilling down and drawing up steam from every puddle. In September, things, they remembered, would be at their very worst and most depressing; one had hardly the energy to lift a finger in September. Mrs.

He kept the detachment grilling and grinding for another hour before he let them go, and at the end of it he spent another five minutes pointing out the manifold faults and failings of each individual in the detachment, reminding them that they belonged to the Royal Regiment of Artillery that is "The right of the line, the terror of the world, and the pride of the British Army," and that any man who wasn't a shining credit to the Royal Regiment was no less than a black disgrace to it.