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Because, answered the Germans, old man Granitch wanted to keep the American workers as munition-slaves; and to this idea the overwhelming percentage of the membership agreed. They were not pacifists, non-resistants; they were perfectly willing to fight the battles of the working-class; what they objected to was having to fight the battles of the master-class.

They went out together, and on the porch, before they braved the rain again, young Granitch stopped and spoke: "See here, my man; I want you to help me get a gang together, and I want you to keep quiet, please say nothing about who was in the car. If any other people come along and ask questions, keep your mouth shut, and I'll make it worth while to you well worth while. Do you understand?"

They had old man Granitch in a hole just now, and they must teach him a lesson, and at the same time teach the workers their power. Lizzie would sigh, and shake her head; for to her, old man Granitch was not a human being, but a natural phenomenon, like winter, or hunger.

"An' have their votes thrown out by some rotten political gang, like they got here in Leesville? Don't talk to me about votin' they told me I'd moved into a new district an' lost my vote lost it because I lost my job! So it's old man Granitch has the say whether I can vote or not!

The wounded French stretcher-bearer was Lacey Granitch! The young heir of the Empire Machine Shops might never have known the little Socialist machinist; but recognition was so evident on Jimmie's face, that Lacey was set groping in his own mind.

"They're up in that house Lacey Granitch an' a lady named Helen " And instantly the door of the car was flung open. A man leaped out, and another man, and another; they kept coming Jimmie would not have believed that an automobile could have held so many people. Not one of them said a word, but all started on the run for Jimmie's house as if they were charging in a battle. Jimmie followed behind.

When he brought it, Lacey first tried to drink, and then began to vomit; then he lay, sobbing softly to himself. He saw Jimmie staring at him, and his eyes filled with sudden hate and he whispered, "This is what you got me in for, you damned little skunk!" The ambulance arrived, and the two attendants who came with it brought in a stretcher and carried young Granitch away.

Now and then they heard a man speak in a low voice, or someone move across the room; and always that ghastly, overpowering odour kept creeping in, making them think they would die of suffocation, and their three babies also. The suspense and horror had become almost unbearable when finally they began to hear Lacey Granitch again, moaning, sobbing most harrowing sounds. "My God!

Men and women and children sat spellbound; and for once no man could say aloud or feel in his heart that the pictures of a Socialist agitator were overdrawn no, not even Ashton Chalmers, president of the First National Bank of Leesville, or old Abel Granitch, proprietor of the Empire Machine Shops! And what was the cause of this blackest of calamities?

This also was something the little machinist had not bargained for; he had taken it as a matter of course that he would be allowed to work for Uncle Sam in any old clothes, just as he had done for Abel Granitch. But no he must have an outfit, complete even to a tooth-brush, which they would show him how to use.