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Jimmie fell back a couple of steps, as a matter of precaution, but he did not weaken in his rigid resolve. "I know you, Mr. Granitch," he said; "and I know what you're doing. You might as well know you ain't foolin' nobody." "What the hell is it to you?" cried the other; but then he stopped again, and Jimmie heard him breathing hard.

One day "Wild Bill" had arisen in the local, and held aloft a page from the "magazine supplement" of one of the metropolitan "yellows". There was an account of how Lacey Granitch had broken the hearts of seven chorus-girls by running away with an eighth.

The Empire Shops were now turning out thousands of shell-casings every day, to be used in the murder of men. It was useless to try to start a strike, there were so many spies at work, and they fired every man who opened his mouth; if an outsider tried it they would send him to jail for, of course, old Granitch had the city government in his vest-pocket.

It was more money than these two humble little people had ever had or expected to have in all their lives. It was literally blood-money they felt, but it would be hard to see who would be benefited if they rejected it. Certainly the deed which had been done that night could not be undone not for all the money that old Granitch had heaped up in his vaults.

You might hate with all your soul the prestige and power that went with the Granitch millions, but you couldn't be indifferent to it, you could never feel natural in the presence of it. As for Lacey, he was no longer the proud, free, rich young aristocrat; he had suffered, and learned respect for his fellowmen, regardless of money.

The man to whom he applied recognized him at once, and said, "Nothin' doin'." For the sake of being nasty, Jimmie went to the headquarters of the newly-formed union, and asked them to force old Abel Granitch to give him work, according to the terms of the agreement with the government.

It seemed that this was the moment, if ever in his life, to show the stuff he was made of. He clenched his hands, and everything in him turned to iron. "WHO IS THAT LADY?" he demanded. Lacey Granitch was so taken aback that he started visibly. "What do you mean?" "I mean is she your wife? Or is she some other man's wife?" "Why you damned " And the young lord of Leesville stopped, speechless.

Old man Granitch had bought the land, and the Shops were to build out that way.

They loaded him into a truck with a score of other "sitting cases", including Lacey Granitch, and treated him to a long ride which he did not at all enjoy. At the hospital, which was a big group of tents, now swarming with activity, Jimmie waited his turn again so many wounds all at once, and so few to tend them!

He piled the wood into the stove, and ordered Jimmie to get another armful; and Jimmie obeyed with his hands and feet but meantime his rebellious little brain was taking in every detail of the situation, putting this and that together. The talking had waked up Lizzie, so Jimmie rushed into the next room and whispered, "Lacey Granitch is here!"