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Penned he: 'Where did tute latcher 'em? 'A rye del 'em a mandy. So he pet em adree his poachy, an' pookered mandy, 'What'll tu lel to pi? 'A droppi levinor. So he penned, 'Pauli the grais prasters, I'll jal atut the puvius and dick tute. "Eight or nine divvuses pauli, at the K'allis's Gav, his pal welled to mandy and pookered mi Job sus naflo.

"Après tout ceci, l'on conviendra j'espère, que nôtre grais est une pierre bien singulière, et surpassant,

It is also English Gipsy, and was explained to me as follows: "A man's kismut is what he's bound to kair it's the kismut of his see. Some men's kismut is better'n wavers, 'cos they've got more better chiv. Some men's kismut's to bikin grais, and some to bikin kanis; but saw foki has their kismut, an' they can't pen chichi elsus."

There's grais an' mylas can dick mullos by the ratti; an' yeckorus I had a grai that was trasher 'dree a tem langs the rikkorus of a drum, pash a boro park where a mush had been mullered. He prastered a mee pauli, but pash a cheirus he welled apopli to the wardos. A chinned jucko or a wixen can hunt mullos.

From the small inn-keeper to the great capitalist, every man of business needed to be perfectly at home in reckoning sums of money. The humbler inhabitants of the Empire had long been growing familiar with the Roman aptitude for arithmetic. Grais ingenium, Grais dedit ore rotundo Musa loqui, praeter laudem nullius avaris. Romani pueri longis rationibus assem discunt in partes centum diducere.