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"Shut up, Tol'able," Buckley Simmons interposed, "you'll hurt trade. Gordon's the Dandy Dick of Greenstream." "Haven't I a right to as many suits of clothes as I've a mind to?" Gordon demanded belligerently. "Sure you have, Gord. You certainly have," a pacific chorus replied. "I want one like the last drummer wore through here," he continued; "a check suit with braid on all the edges."

Then he took cover, panting, and crouched expectant. "They got a revolver after all!" he panted.... "Wonder if they got two? If they 'ave Gord! I'm done! "Where's the kitten? Finishin' up that corned beef, I suppose. Little beggar!" So it was that war began upon Goat Island. It lasted a day and a night, the longest day and the longest night in Bert's life. He had to lie close and listen and watch.

"Look at that," said Holroyd; "where's your 'eathen idol to match 'im?" And Azuma-zi looked. For a moment Holroyd was inaudible, and then Azuma-zi heard: "Kill a hundred men. Twelve per cent, on the ordinary shares," said Holroyd, "and that's something like a Gord!"

Now there's Nickles, next place to me, his old woman's not worth a pinch of powder, but she is the nicest, easiest spoken body you'd meet in a day on a horse. You mind Effie when she was young, Gord she just trailed song all over the house, but it wasn't hardly a year before she got penetrating as a musket.

'Twuz de fust time Marse Chan had see her sence de duil, an' he raises he hat ez he pahss, an' she looks right at 'im wid her head up in de yair like she nuvver see 'im befo' in her born days; an' when she comes by me, she sez, 'Good-mawnin', Sam! Gord! I nuvver see nuthin' like de look dat come on Marse Chan's face when she pahss 'im like dat.

"At leas'," he resumed, seriously, "hit did look like a hard case at fust, but by de grace o' Gord I done 'skivered de way ter do it! "Ef we all had ter live up ter our skins, hit'd be purty hard on a heap of us; but, bless de Lord! he don't look at de skins; he looks at de heart! "I tries ter keep my heart white, an' my soul white, an' my sperit white!

I know if I was lying you would ketch me, and I should own up quick; 'cause your match doesn't go about in human flesh; but all the lancets and all the doctors can't git no blood out'en a turnup." "You are quite willing, then, to see General Darrington's granddaughter suffer for the crime?" "'Fore Gord! Mars Lennox, you don't tote fair! 'Pears to me you are riding two horses.

He said ole marster hed taught Marse Chan; dat ole marster wuz a wuss ab'litionis' dan he son. I looked at Marse Chan, an' sez to myse'f: 'Fo' Gord! old Cun'l Chahmb'lin better min', an' I hedn' got de wuds out, when ole Cun'l Chahmb'lin 'cuse' old marster o' cheatin' 'im out o' he niggers, an' stealing piece o' he lan' dat's de lan' I tole you 'bout.

Didn't Hi see 'is heyes? Oh, Gord! Didn't Hi see 'em?" "It didn't look like any beast or reptile to me," spoke up Sinclair. "It was lookin' right down at me when I looked up and I saw its face plain as I see yours.

'Twan' mo'n a minit, de sorrel come gallupin' back wid his mane flyin', an' de rein hangin' down on one side to his knee. 'Dyar! says I, 'fo' Gord! I 'specks dey done kill Marse Chan, an' I promised to tek care on him.