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Well, seh, nex' thing I knowed, I heahed Marse Chan hit all happen right 'long togedder, like lightnin' an' thunder when dey hit right at you I heah 'im say: "'Cun'l Chahmb'lin, what you say is false, an' yo' know it to be so. You have wilfully slandered one of the pures' an' nobles' men Gord ever made, an' nothin' but yo' gray hyars protects you.

Every other person on board was just as greatly stunned by this monstrous attack as she herself, and the firing now appeared to increase in volume and accuracy. Several bullets clanged against the funnel or broke huge splinters off the boats. "Gord A'mighty, listen to that," growled a voice. "An' we cooped up here, blazed at by a lot of rotten Dagos, with not a gun to our name!"

I'll marry him, an' I'll take dem little no-'counts o' his'n, an' I'll make folks out'n 'em 'fo' I gits th'ough wid 'em, ef Gord spares me; but he nee'n't ter lay out ter come in 'twix' me an' my full year o' mo'nin' fur Numa.

As they were carrying it in Philpot winked at Bert and whispered: 'Did yer see Pontius Pilate anywheres outside? ''E went away on 'is bike just as I come in at the gate. 'Did 'e? Thank Gord for that! I don't wish 'im no 'arm, said Philpot, fervently, 'but I 'opes 'e gets runned over with a motor.

'They say that Gord made everything for some useful purpose, remarked Harlow, reverting to the original subject, 'but I should like to know what the hell's the use of sich things as bugs and fleas and the like. 'To teach people to keep theirselves clean, of course, said Slyme. 'That's a funny subject, ain't it? continued Harlow, ignoring Slyme's answer.

"Shake, Mac," said Pan in a low voice. "It's a small world." "By Gord, it shore is," replied Mac New, wringing Pan's hand. "I'm known here as Hurd." "Ah-huh.... Well, Hurd, I'm not a talking man. But I want to remind you that you owe me a good turn." "You shore don't have to remind me of thet," returned the other. "It pays to do good turns.... I'm lucky, old timer."

Peggy ain't got a speck o' manners! Lady b'longs ter de cream o' s'ciety, I have yer know, an' bless Gord, I b'lieve dat's all de cream dey is about her. Hyah! fur Gord's sake lis'n at me, passin' a joke on Lady! I does love to pleg dem cows dey teck it so good-natured.

'An 'e'll git six month for this, the neighbours says; an' when he comes aht again, my Gord, won't 'e ketch it!" "You look capable of punishing him for it," I answered, and as I spoke, I shuddered; for I saw her expression was precisely the expression Mrs. Le Geyt's face had worn for a passing second when her husband accidentally trod on her dress as we left the dining-room. My witch moved away.

'Twuz de fust time Marse Chan had see her sence de duil, an' he raises he hat ez he pahss, an' she looks right at 'im wid her head up in de yair like she nuver see 'im befo' in her born days; an' when she comes by me, she sez, 'Good-mawnin', Sam! Gord! I nuver see nuthin' like de look dat come on Marse Chan's face when she pahss 'im like dat.

I reckon I hollered, but I can't say, for the next thing I knowed, the horsler and the cook, and Miss Angerline, and Dyce, my ole 'oman, and Gord knows who all, was streamin' in and out and screamin'." "What was the condition of the room?" "The front window was up, and the blinds was flung wide open, and a cheer was upside clown close to it.