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"What? yes, goon." "He says goodness me! what do you think he says?" "Well, what does he say?" cried Gordon, in great excitement. "Don't keep it all to yourself." "He says," said Stedman, "that we are deceived; that he is no longer King of the Island of Opeki; that he is in great fear of us, and that he has got himself into no end of trouble.

"To my moind, a sight o' more snaw is a-coomin'; and what mah sard or goon foight again it? Captain Moordocks, coom ye home arly. T' hare sha' be doon to a toorn be fi' o'clock. Coom ye home be that o'clock, if ye care for deener." "I must have made a tender impression on her heart," Mr. Mordacks said to himself, as he kissed his hand to the capacious hostess.

Turning in this direction, for all her interest was now centred in the young knight, Madame Bonaventure allowed her gaze to pass over the entrance of the lists, and she goon espied him she sought, in conference with Prince Charles, and some other knights of his party.

"It was juist this time laist year that he cam here on his elder's veesitation, and he catches the bairn in this verra kitchen. "'Elspeth, says he it was Elsie the day, ye mind 'div ye ken that ye're an oreeginal sinner? "It was nichtfa' afore she got over the fricht, and when she saw him on the road next Sabbath, she cooried in ahint ma goon, and cried till I thocht her hert wud break.

Gladys only vaguely understood, but gathered that she was censuring the old man with the utmost severity. 'Oh, I don't think he is as rich as people say, and he is very kind to me, said she quickly. 'If he had not taken me when my father died, I don't know what would have become of me. 'Imphm! The tea's bilin', Teen. Look in my goon pocket for a penny, an' rin doon for twa cookies.

"There, get in, and the mistress will give you some bread and cheese and ale." "Arn't hungry," growled the second man. "Can'st ta yeat, Dave, man?" "Ah!" growled Dave, and he slouched round, looking at the ground, and turned to go. "Gimme mai goon," he added. "The guns are all right, Dave," cried Dick. "I've got 'em. I say, John Warren, will the rabbits be all drowned?" "Drowned, young mester!

This Southwark was the point of departure of all travel to the south of England, especially of those mediæval pilgrimages to the shrine of Thomas a Becket in Canterbury. On a spring evening, at the inspiring time of the year when "longen folk to goon on pilgrimages," Chaucer alights at the Tabard Inn, and finds it occupied by a various company of people bent on a pilgrimage.

But the sound followed and surrounded them, and as they passed the corner of the kirkyard, a figure waved his college cap over the wall and gave a cheer on his own account. "God bless you, doctor, and well done." "If it isna the minister," cried Drumsheugh, "in his goon an' bans, tae think o' that; but a' respeck him for it."

Burnbrae gaes aff tae get a goon for his wife or a buke for his college laddie, an' Lachlan Campbell 'ill no leave the place noo without a ribbon for Flora. "Ilka man in the Kildrummie train has some bit fairin' in his pooch for the fouk at hame that he's bocht wi' the siller he won. Ou, ay! A' 've seen it a' at ither hooses, though they tried tae hide it frae me for fear a' wud lauch at them.

In smaller and constantly changing groups, the volunteers, the paid helpers, the dirt-squirters, the goon gangs, gathered, talking in worried or frightened or angry voices. When Cardon entered and was recognized, there was a concerted movement toward him. His two regular bodyguards, both on leave from the Literate storm troops, moved quickly to range themselves on either side of him.