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Both the great Shahs, therefore, abandoned certain territories to the Hindus, and from Golkonda Rama obtained Ghanpura and Pangul. It was the last Hindu success.

It will be seen that the two accounts differ widely in details. At this time Ibrahim Qutb Shah, younger brother of Jamshid and heir presumptive to the throne of Golkonda, was at Vijayanagar, whither he had fled in fear of Jamshid's despotic and violent temper.

This done, and the allies having retired, Asada Khan marched against the Qutb Shah of Golkonda, defeated him under the walls of his capital, and in a personal encounter grievously wounded him in the face with his sabre. Her city was burnt, the Hindus were slain in large numbers, and the Rani reduced to submission.

Quli then seized Kondapalle, Ellore, and Rajahmundry, and a treaty was made between him and Orissa fixing the Godavari river as the eastern boundary of Golkonda. By this the Sultan added the districts of Ellore and Bezvada to his own dominions. Krishna Raya then advanced to the rescue and the Sultan marched to Kondavid.

But he could not be induced to change his mind, remarking that in spite of their brave show the enemy were children and would soon be put to flight. So confident was he of victory that it is said he had ordered his men to bring him the head of Hussain Nizam, but to capture the Adil Shah and Ibrahim of Golkonda alive, that he might keep them the rest of their lives in iron cages.

We grew fond of the idea of visiting this "City of the Lion," which was built in 1589 by the magnificent Mohamed-Kuli-Kuth-Shah, who was so used to luxuries of every kind as to grow weary even of Golkonda, with all its fairyland castles and bright gardens. Some buildings of Hyderabad, mere remnants of the past glory, are still known to renown.

Sitapati, Rajah of Kambampeta, on the Muniyer river, who possessed extensive territories including Warangal and Bellamkonda, a fortress south of the Krishna rose against the Muhammadans, and the Sultan marched against Bellamkonda, which, after a long siege, he captured. Sitapati then fought a pitched battle, was defeated, and fled, Quli returning to Golkonda.

In 1579 the king of Golkonda, in breach of his contract, attacked and reduced the fortresses of Vinukonda and Kondavid as well as Kacharlakota and Kammam, thus occupying large tracts south of the Krishna. In 1580 Ali Adil was murdered.

His character and person Bankapur Almeida and Fr. Luis's mission Duarte Barbosa His description of the city The king's early wars Kondapalle Rajahmundry Kondavid Udayagiri Wars of the Qutb Shah of Golkonda in Telingana.

The direction given, though it should rather be east than north, points to the mines on the Krishna river being those alluded to mines which are often styled the "mines of Golkonda" by travellers. Marco Polo told the same tale of the same mines in the year 1296. Conti continues: "They divide the year into twelve months, which they name after the signs of the zodiac.