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Bankapur was taken, and the detached forces returned bringing with them 60,000 Hindu prisoners; on which the Sultan left Khankhanan to hold Vijayanagar, while he himself attempted to reduce the fortress of Adoni, "the strongest in possession of the enemy." Deva Raya then began to treat for peace, and was compelled to submit to conditions to the last degree humiliating.

All Southern India was under Krishna Deva's sway, and several quasi-independent chiefs were his vassals. These were, according to Nuniz, the chief of Seringapatam, and those of Bankapur, Garsopa, Calicut, Bhatkal, and Barkur. The Portuguese treated these lesser chiefs as if they were kings, called them so and sent embassies to them, no doubt much to their satisfaction.

He halted here for four months, holding the Raya a prisoner in his own capital, while bodies of troops harassed and wasted the country south of Vijayanagar, and attacked the fortress of Bankapur.

In 1573, therefore, Ali Adil moved against Dharwar and Bankapur. The siege of the latter place under its chief, Velappa Naik, now independent, lasted for a year and six months, when the garrison, reduced to great straits, surrendered. Firishtah states that the Adil Shah destroyed a "superb temple" there, and himself laid the first stone of a mosque which was built on its foundation.

His character and person Bankapur Almeida and Fr. Luis's mission Duarte Barbosa His description of the city The king's early wars Kondapalle Rajahmundry Kondavid Udayagiri Wars of the Qutb Shah of Golkonda in Telingana.

After Albuquerque's second capture of Goa the chief of Bankapur also sent messages of congratulation to the Portuguese, and asked for permission to import three hundred horses a year. The request was granted, as the place was on the road to Vijayanagar, and it was important that its chief should be on friendly terms with the Europeans. Moreover, Bankapur contained a number of superior saddlers.

Muhammad Shah died on 21st April A.D. 1375, and was succeeded by his son Mujahid, then nineteen years old. This "Beekapore" is the important fortress of Bankapur, south of Dharwar. The Dakhani sovereigns always looked on it with covetous eyes, as it lay on the direct route from Vijayanagar to the sea, and its possession would paralyse Hindu trade.

Genealogy The Muhammadan States Fall of Bankapur, Kondavid, Bellamkonda and Vinukonda Haidarabad founded Adoni under the Muhammadans Subsequent history in brief. The following is the genealogy of this third family. They came apparently of the old royal stock, but their exact relationship to it has never been conclusively settled.

He agreed to give the Sultan his daughter in marriage, to indemnify him with an immense treasure, and to cede for ever the fort of Bankapur.