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We will have the account made up to date. I can give you half the amount in hard money coin is not too plentiful just now in Curaçoa, half in drafts at seven days' sight on the house of Goldberg, Van Voorst & Company, at Amsterdam, or Spring & Gerolstein, at London. They are a young firm, but do a safe business and work with a large capital."

The Francis Pfleuger we are concerned with did his inventing in his kitchen rather than in his basement; nevertheless, his machines were in the Rube Goldberg tradition. Take the one he was assembling now, for example. It stood on the kitchen table, and its various attachments jutted this way and that with no apparent rhyme or reason.

This he did, but before he settled down to business, he said to Goldberg: "'If you hold my foot again, I'll kick you in the face. "About two plays had been run off, when Smith once more shouted: "'He's holding me. Robby went in back of him and said: "'Why didn't you kick him? "'Kick him! replied Brent. 'He held both my feet!"

Turned out he was wanted. It was Goldberg, making his getaway to Canada." "It is a gift," said the doctor. "No, it's a nuisance," laughed the reporter. "I see so many things I don't want to see. I see that people are wearing clothes that are not made for them. I see when women are lying to me. I can see when men are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and whether it is drink or debt or morphine "

Why, they don't take a chance. Goldberg handles the legal end, and his brother is in the legislature. But that's not all: Melcher's partner in his gambling-house is Inspector Snell. You can't beat that. I could have Merkle killed for five hundred bucks and never stand a pinch. I'd merely tip one of Maxey's gunmen, and some night Old Dyspepsia Dick would wake up with a harp in his hand.

The house of Goldberg & Van Voorst, at Amsterdam, in which I was brought up, deal largely in precious stones." On this I undid my belt and poured the diamonds on a large sheet of white paper, which Mr. Van Voorst spread on his desk. "Mein Gott! Mein Gott!" he exclaimed in ecstacy, glaring at the diamonds through his big glasses and picking out the finest with his fat fingers.

"Now I am going to run over the names of the men who are on the porch beside us three. Stand by, Mr. Hale!" With a faint twinkle, he rattled off the following: "Vasiliewski, Rochambeau, LaRoque, Goldberg, Tonti, Ross, Thomas, Fletcher. And" There was a pause, a break. The twinkle in the fine eyes was gone. The features of the three turned grave.

But we did not get very far that day. Mlle. Goldberg senior soon marched her lovely charge away. Ah, Sir, she was lovely indeed! And in my heart I not only envied Rochez his good fortune but I also felt how entirely unworthy he was of it. Nor did the beautiful Leah give me the impression of being quite so deeply struck with his charms as he would have had me believe.

"For such a prophecy you are welcome," she answered, opening the gate. "You may come in." Ellerey carried his companion up the garden path, and with the help of the woman and her grandson, who stared in wonder at their coming, soon had him comfortably placed on a pallet in the little room. "Send Dr. Goldberg to me," said his companion; "he lives close to the palace, and is a friend and discreet."

Goldberg senior into the house, and here again I had to endure galling mortification in the shape of sidelong glances cast at me and my future bride by the landlord of the hostelry and his ill-bred daughter.