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The distinguished physician who wrote them might just as well have said that the generally prevailing theory that in voice-production the muscles of the larynx exist solely to open and close the glottis and to regulate the tension and hence the vibration of the vocal cords, is incorrect.

Saniel, behind the chair, had taken the knife in his right hand, while he pressed the left heavily on Caffies forehead, and with a powerful stroke, as quick as lightning, he cut the larynx under the glottis, as well as the two carotid arteries, with the jugular veins. From this terrible wound sprang a large jet of blood, which, crossing the room, struck against the door.

But it is not only a strong and practised hand that has done this deed; it was guided by an intelligence that knew how to proceed to insure a quick, almost instantaneous death, and at the same time a silent one." "You think it was done by a butcher?" "By a professional killer; the larynx has been cut above the glottis, and with the same stroke the two carotid arteries, with the jugular veins.

The "breath-band" advocates hold that the glottic stroke is the key to correct laryngeal action. As a rule they instruct their pupils to attack every tone, throughout all their practising, with the stroke of the glottis. In the course of time the automatic valvular action is supposed to become so well established that the singer can dispense with the glottic stroke in public performance.

But it is not only a strong and practised hand that has done this deed; it was guided by an intelligence that knew how to proceed to insure a quick, almost instantaneous death, and at the same time a silent one." "You think it was done by a butcher?" "By a professional killer; the larynx has been cut above the glottis, and with the same stroke the two carotid arteries, with the jugular veins.

The right arm healed, but the left showed erysipelatous inflammation, culminating in edema, which affected the glottis to such an extent that tracheotomy was performed to save her life. Five weeks after convalescence, during which her conduct was exemplary, she again cut her arms in the same place.

The muscles of the larynx may be divided into the following: Those that open and those that close the glottis; those which regulate the tension of the vocal bands. The crico-thyroid may be considered the most important muscle of phonation, because it is so much used and so effective.

"Besides their principal function of purifying the blood," writes Sir Morell Mackenzie, "the lungs are the bellows of the vocal instrument. Through this small chink, the air escaping from the lungs is forced out gradually in a thin stream, which is compressed, so to speak, between the edges of the cords that form the opening, technically called the glottis, through which it passes.

Treatment. Vinegar and water, lemon-juice and water, acidulated stimulant drinks, oil, linseed-tea, opium to relieve pain, stimulants in collapse. Do not use the stomach-tube. The glottis may be inflamed, and if there is danger of asphyxia, tracheotomy may have to be performed.

The action of holding back the breath must not be performed by the muscles which close the glottis, for all the muscles of the larynx are very small and weak in comparison with the powerful muscles of expiration. The glottis-closing muscles are too weak to oppose their action to the force of a powerful expiration.