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Verdi's next work, a comic opera known alternatively as 'Un Giorno di Regno' and 'Il Finto Stanislao' was a failure. 'Nabucodonosor' and 'I Lombardi' established his reputation in his own country and won favour abroad; but the opera which gave him European fame was 'Ernani' . The story is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's famous play.

"Buon' giorno, Altezza," returned Assunta. "Is the Signorina at home?" asked the intruder. "But no!" cried Assunta. "She has started to climb the very sky to-day, Monte Altiera, and for what I can't make out. It only wears out Bertuccio's shoes and the asinetto's legs." "Grazia," said Apollo, moving away.

Addio, signorina! Grazia, signor! Buon giorno, buon giorno!" and, kissing his hand, the Italian shouldered organ and monkey, ready to go. Miss Celia detained him long enough to give him her address, and beg him to let her know if he met poor Sanch in any of his wanderings; for such itinerant showmen often cross each other's paths.

The young cat turned to look at her, then, with his slow and stately walk he advanced to her side. 'Vieni vieni qua, Hermione was saying, in her strange caressive, protective voice, as if she were always the elder, the mother superior. 'Vieni dire Buon' Giorno alla zia. Mi ricorde, mi ricorde bene non he vero, piccolo? E vero che mi ricordi?

And, in the midst of this terrible anguish, to avoid breaking the engagement I had contracted, I was compelled to write and finish a comic opera! "'Un Giorno di Regno' did not succeed. A share of the want of success certainly belongs to the music, but part must also be attributed to the performance.

Then, on a bright morning in early September, old Baldassare came limping up the Ponte Navi with his pack on his back, paused a minute on the bridge, as his habit was, to look down on the busy laundresses by the water, spat twice, and so doing was observed, threw a cracked "Buon' giorno, La Testolina!" over the side, and went on his slow way to the Via Stella.

Friends he has without number, who stop before his bench, from which he administers poetical justice to all persons, to have a long chat, or sometimes to bring him a friendly token; and from the dark interior of his drawer he often brings forth an orange, or a bunch of grapes, or handful of chestnuts, supplied by them, as a dessert for the thick cabbage-soup which he eats at mezzo giorno.

To the children the nest was a place of mystery, and the first thing in the morning they would together climb up to the old box and whisper: "Buon giorno, Chico; buon giorno, Pepita; how are the eggs to-day?" And then the mystery deepened! It was Paolo who whispered the wonderful news in their ears. "How do you know the eggs have hatched?" Andrea queried somewhat doubtfully.

As he was thrusting the pole out, Paul quickly assumed an upright position in the water and saluted him with the words: "Buon giorno." The pole dropped from his hand and with one frightened shriek he rushed up the bank and disappeared. About one o'clock the bridge at Piacenza came in sight but instead of being full of people, as he expected, Paul saw only a few working men and some soldiers.

At seven o'clock she was ready. A very few things that could be easily carried she would take with her; her cloak would hide them. Now she must wait for the appointed moment. It seemed to be very cold; she shivered. A minute or two before the half-hour, she left her room silently. On the stairs a servant passed her, and looked surprised in giving the "Buon giorno."