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"Buon' giorno, Signorino," she returned but in a whisper. "What's the matter? Is there cause for secrecy?" Peter asked. "I have a cold, Signorino," she whispered, pointing to her chest. "I cannot speak." The Venetian blinds were up by this time; the room was full of sun. He looked at her. Something in her face alarmed him. It seemed drawn and set, it seemed flushed.

Constance studied him more intently. There was something elusively familiar about his expression; she was sure she had seen him before. 'Buon giorno, she replied in Italian. 'You have lived in the United States? 'Si, signorina. 'What is your name? 'I spik Angleesh, he observed. 'I don't care if you do speak English; I prefer Italian what is your name? She repeated the question in Italian.

And there is in the very sensuousness and love of beauty-of these men a vagueness and melancholy, a constant: sense of the fleeting and of the eternal, as in that passage, translated from the languidly sweet Italian perfection of Tasso into the timid, almost scentless, English of Spenser "Cosi trapassa al trapassar d'un giorno." So passeth, in the passing of a day,

"Bon giorno, Signor Vice-governatore," commenced Raoul, in his gay, easy, and courteous manner, and certainly with an air that betrayed any feeling but those of apprehension and guilt; "we have a fine morning on the land, here; and apparently a fine frigate of the French republic in the offing yonder." "We were conversing of that vessel, Signor Smees," answered Andrea, "as you approached.

I recalled my name to him; his face cleared and he smiled. "Ah! buon giorno, eccellenza!" he cried. "A thousand pardons that I did not at first know you! Often have I thought of you! often have I heard your name ah! what a name! Rich, great, generous! ah! what a glad life!

"Buon giorno, Signore," said Nanni, and Daymond found himself returning the salutation with a courtesy that was little short of deferential. The two men had met upon a common footing, if the watery deep may be said to furnish one, and Geof had found himself at a disadvantage.

I left Menlo Park at four o'clock in the morning, and the time the country round, the roads and the station were all lighted up a giorno, by the thousands of lamps of my kind host. What a strange power of suggestion the darkness has! I thought I had travelled a long way that night, and it seemed to me that the roads were impracticable.

Al giorno di grasso, un mezzo pollo ovvero un piccolo boccone d'arrosto; al giorno di magro un piccolo pesce; e di poi andiamo a dormire. Est-ce que vous avez compris? Redma dafir Soisburgarisch, don as is gschaida.

Lost in a reverie which in its pleasantness brought a smile to her lips, she did not hear a stealthy footstep on the grass behind her, or feel a pair of dark eyes watching her furtively from between the cedar-boughs, and she started with surprise, and something of offence also, as Monsigner Gherardi suddenly appeared and addressed her, "Buon giorno, Contessa!"

The bell might have been rung by any one the fisherman, the omnibus-driver, Suor Celestina from the convent asking her everlasting alms and Gustavo took his time. But the voice was unmistakable; he waited only to throw a clean napkin over his arm before hurrying to answer. 'Buon giorno, signorina! Good morning, signore. It is beautiful wea-thir, but warm. Gi