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There was a piano, with a deck-load of music, and more in a tender. There was a great plenty of pictures on the walls, on the shelves of the mantelpiece, and around generally; where coigns of vantage offered were statuettes, and quaint and pretty gimcracks, and rare and costly specimens of peculiarly devilish china.

All mouths were open at once to defend William. Maurice declared he was the most industrious man in the parish; that his books never kept him from his work, but always kept him from the alehouse and bad company; and that, as to his gimcracks and machines, he never laid out a farthing upon them but what he got by working on holidays, and odd times, when other folks were idling or tippling.

It's more easy for them to hit a big object like our ship, than it is for us to reach those little gimcracks of guns." The Russian riflemen having in the meantime advanced, their bullets kept whistling through the air, close to the heads of the crew, who, however, took no more notice of them than had they been pellets from pop-guns.

"Nothing can be so annoying as to see common gimcracks aping me," interposed the princess in the pink shoes. "They even steal my motto, though it is Scripture," said a Trauerkrug of Regensburg in black-and-white. "And my own dots they put on plain English china creatures!" sighed the little white maid of Nymphenburg.

"Stick as many gimcracks as you like about your own room, Elspie," he had remarked when the first attempt was made, "but leave me my hall in peace. It iss quite pleased with it I am as it iss." Opposite the door of the hall there was a large open fireplace without a grate. Doors all round the walls of the hall opened into the other rooms of the establishment.

We tried all manner o' gimcracks an' fussin' with her. Finally says Jim my man say she: 'Perhaps she's the Sacred Cow, says he, laffin', an' went in an' got a hymn-book an' sot it up afore her, and" Belle O'Neill shivered "what does the old cow do but pitch in and eat her mess regalar! Minit we took that hymn-book away or shet it up, she'd stop eatin'."

There were no studio gimcracks, mercifully, to put into place; but the tableware was as far removed, on the other hand, from the ugly, heavy, time-scarred things at Flatfield and from the careless crudities of his own boarding-house.

"Has nobody been to speak to you about M. Pons and his gimcracks?" asked La Cibot. "I received a letter from a lawyer," said Elie Magus, "a rascal that seems to me to be trying to work for himself; I don't like people of that sort, so I took no notice of his letter. Three days afterwards he came to see me, and left his card. I told my porter that I am never at home when he calls."

Never yours to give till you've lost it!" With an effort she kept her pose. His words hummed through her head. "Did you say that to Janie Iver?" she mustered coolness to ask him mockingly. He thrust away the taunt with a motion of his hand; one of Gainsborough's gimcracks fell smashed on the floor. Cecily laughed, glad of the excuse to seem at her ease. "Hang the thing!

There they march in state, and a pretty contempt our artist shows for all their gimcracks and trumpery. He has drawn a perfectly English scene the little blackguard boys are playing pranks round about the men, and shouting, "Heads up, soldier," "Eyes right, lobster," as little British urchins will do. Did one ever hear the like sentiments expressed in France?