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A philosophic journalist, not possessing Steele's sense of humour, gravely remarked of the Don's gimcracks that they, with kindred collections, helped to cherish the infancy of science, and deserved to be appreciated as the playthings of a boy after he is arrived at maturity. Happily the Don himself did not survive to see his precious treasures fetch less than ten shillings a-piece.

"See here, my little chick," cried he, "everything ready! and a box for your gimcracks into the bargain." "You don't mean this place for me, Sir!" cried Cecilia, staring. "Do, do;" cried he, "a deal nicer by and by. Only wants a little furbishing: soon put to rights. Never sweep a room out of use; only wears out brooms for nothing." "But, Sir, can I not have an apartment on the first floor?"

Nor do you mutter, I pray you, at what Plato, Anaxagoras, and Democritus have said. Ods-fish! they were none of your lower-form gimcracks, were they?

After she had put away several barrels of gimcracks, and folded up screens and rugs and skins, and carried them all off to the little dark store-room which the flat developed, she perceived at once a roominess and coziness in it unsuspected before.

As they descended slowly and discreetly, Cecile, still talking fine art, wondered that M. Brunner should admire her cousin's gimcracks so much. "Do you really think that these things that we have just seen are worth a great deal of money?" "Mademoiselle, if your cousin would sell his collection, I would give eight hundred thousand francs for it this evening, and I should not make a bad bargain.

"How glad I am that I ever learnt anything!" thought the poor child: "everything one learns seems to come in useful some time." At last the dresses were finished. "Do you think I shall be allowed to go home now?" Amelia asked of the woman of the heath. "Not yet," said she; "you have got to mend the broken gimcracks next."

It is a very small lamp and a very dim one, and it could not work her much damage, I think, if it went out altogether. The great altar of the cathedral and also three or four minor ones are a perfect mass of gilt gimcracks and gingerbread.

Its trimmings were of South American mahogany, and its upholstering of Spanish and Morocco leathers; it had a telephone with which one spoke to the driver; an ice-box and a lunch hamper in fact, one might have spent an hour discovering new gimcracks in this magic automobile. It had been made especially for Mrs.

Later, while Duane was examining his own costume preparatory to trying it on, Scott Seagrave's spectacled and freckled visage protruded into the room. He knocked as an after-thought. "Rosalie sent me. She's dressed in all her gimcracks and wants your expert opinion. I've got to go " "Where is she?" "In her room. I'm going out to the hatchery with Kathleen "

Even the beautiful Pantheon, whose pagan altars uphold the cross, now, and whose Venus, tricked out in consecrated gimcracks, does reluctant duty as a Virgin Mary to-day, is built about with shabby houses and its stateliness sadly marred. But the monarch of all European ruins, the Coliseum, maintains that reserve and that royal seclusion which is proper to majesty.