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Yes,” he said. “Je suis Américain, catholique et gentil-homme,” in a tone contrasting so strongly with the smile, which, as it were, underlined the uttered words, that I was at a loss whether to return the smile in kind or acknowledge the words with a grave little bow. Of course I did neither and there fell on us an odd, equivocal silence. It marked our final abandonment of the French language.

He comes de se battre from beating himself in duel il a ete atteint dans la poitrine le pauvre gentil-homme! of a blow of the pistol. And so on, the young nobleman gathering the facts as best he might. 'Is Larcom there? 'In the gallery, mi lor. 'Ask him to come in. So Monsieur Larcom entered, and bowed ominously. 'You've seen him, Larcom. Is he very much hurt?

The Chief Justice was of that good old type, at sight of which the word gentil-homme springs naturally to one's lips He was small in figure, but his features were clearly cut, and the falling of the cheeks and deepening of lines produced by approach of age, had but imparted to them an increased, repose.

But one day, as I sat over the samovar at a posting-station on the T highroad, waiting for horses, I suddenly heard under the open window of the station room a hoarse voice, uttering in French the words: 'Monsieur ... monsieur ... prenez pitie d'un pauvre gentil-homme ruine. ... I lifted my head, glanced.... The mangy-looking fur cap, the broken ornaments on the ragged Circassian dress, the dagger in the cracked sheath, the swollen, but still rosy face, the dishevelled, but still thick crop of hair.... Mercy on us!

He had a Hussar uniform, but not knowing how to put it on, he sent at the last moment to ask for somebody to go and help him to get into it. I lost no time in detailing the midshipmen of the frigate for this duty, which they performed with the greatest gusto, dressing up "Petit Denis" just as the tailor's assistants dress up M. Jourdain in the Bourgeois Gentil-homme.

She does, indeed, occupy a happy middle place between the unadorned wooden temples with whitewashed windows of the sects, and the large, aggressive stone churches of the Romish faith. Were her clergy as alive to the situation and the peculiar wants of the peuple gentil-homme as they ought to be, one would meet with greater numbers of adherents to the Episcopal ritual. Mr. and Mrs.

'Autre recepte par mots preservants la rage. 'Ay appris vne recepte d'vn Gentil-homme, en Bretaigne, lequel faisoit de petits escriteaux, ou n'y auoit seulement que deux lignes, lesquels il mettoit en vne omellette d'oeufs, puis les faisoit aualer aux chiens qui auorient este mords de chiens enragez, et auoit dedans l'escriteau, 'Y Ran Quiran Cafram Cafratrem, Cafratrosque'. Lesquels mots disoit estre singuliers pour empescher les chiens de la rage, mais quant a moi ie n'y adiouste pas foy.

I thought suddenly of the definition he applied to himself: “Américain, catholique et gentil-hommecompleted by that startling “I live by my sworduttered in a light drawing-room tone tinged by a flavour of mockery lighter even than air. He insisted to us that the first and only time he had seen Allègre a little close was that morning in the Bois with his mother.

All the warmth of his idealism is concentrated upon a certain ‘Américain, Catholique et gentil-homme. . . ’” The smile which for a moment dwelt on his lips was not unkind. “At the same time he has a very good grip of the material conditions that surround, as it were, the situation.” “What do you mean?