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"Take care o' the archway, gen'l'men," was Sam's timely warning as the coach, under the control of his father, started out of the inn yard on its memorable journey down Whitechapel Road to the "Great White Horse," Ipswich, an hostelry which forms the subject of the following chapter.

Boys is wery obstinit, and wery lazy, Gen'l'men, and there's nothink like a good hot blaze to make 'em come down vith a run. It's humane too, gen'l'men, acause, even if they've stuck in the chimbley, roasting their feet makes 'em struggle to hextricate theirselves.

'Nothing at all, said Mr. Roker. 'And I s'pose, said Sam, with a sidelong glance at his master, as if to see whether there were any symptoms of his determination being shaken by what passed, 'I s'pose the other gen'l'men as sleeps here ARE gen'l'men. 'Nothing but it, said Mr. Roker. 'One of 'em takes his twelve pints of ale a day, and never leaves off smoking even at his meals.

"Now then, gen'l'men," said the policeman, 'if you think he's recovered, we'll take him home to his mother; she ought for to take him in, surely." "Yes, if she has as much heart in her as a dried walnut." But I resisted stoutly; though I longed to vindicate my mother's affection, yet I could not face her.

S-c-e-u-s-e me, sir, added he, with a low bow and a sort of military salute of his hat; 'but dim all gen'l'men 'untsmen, say I. Mr. Bragg had talked himself into several good places. Lord Reynard's and the Duke of Downeybird's among others. He had never been able to keep any beyond his third season, his sauce or his science being always greater than the sport he showed.

'Say! be you agoin' to give me a check for that 'are, or not? growled the proprietor of bag No. 3, a short, pockmarked fellow, in a shabby overcoat. 'All right, gen'l'men. Here you are, says the functionary, rapidly distributing the three checks. 'Philadelfy, this? Yes, sir, 1092 1740.11 1020. All right. 'All aboard! shouted the conductor.

Ez far as my opinion goes, gen'l'men," continued Bill, with greater blandness and apparent cordiality, "I wanter simply remark, in a keerless, offhand gin'ral way, that ef I ketch any God-forsaken, lop-eared, chuckle-headed blatherin' idjet airin' HIS opinion" "One moment, Bill," interposed Judge Thompson with a grave smile; "let me explain.

Take it all in all, she was not displeased with what they seemed to indicate. "Confidence is a good thing to have, but a little wholesome doubt don't hurt the masculine gender none. I guess, if I was put to it, I could count on one hand with no fingers, the number o' gen'l'men, no matter how plain, have died because 'way down in their hearts they believed they wasn't reel A-1 Winners.

They took about a dollar and twenty cents out of that pan. "Now see here, you gen'l'men jest lay low about this strike." His anxiety seemed intense. They reassured him. "I don't suppose you mind our taking up a claim apiece next you," pleaded the Boy, "since the law don't allow you to stake more'n one." "Oh, that's all right," said the mackinaw man, with an air of princely generosity.

It was very unlike their general mode of doing business, if they had; but still, as he had no particular wish to revive the rumour, he twisted his cap in his hands, and walked slowly from the table. 'So you won't let me have him, gen'l'men? said Mr. Gamfield, pausing near the door. 'No, replied Mr.