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A new measure was to be introduced the next night: something that threatened beer and satisfied no party; not even the teetotalers only the wives of the teetotalers. Then they had a few words regarding George Holland's article in the Zeit Geist. Mr. Linton seemed to some extent interested in the contentions of the rector of St.

"I don't want to give you pain, but I must tell you again what I told you long ago: you have passed completely out of my life. If you had not done so before, the publication of that article in the Zeit Geist would force me to tell you that you had done so now. To me my religion has always been a living thing; my Bible has been my guide.

With Shakespeare, for example, imagination seems immanent in his very consciousness; with Milton, in his memory. In the one it sends, as if without knowing it, a fiery life into the verse, "Sei die Braut das Wort, Braeutigam der Geist"; in the other it elaborates a certain pomp and elevation. Accordingly, the bias of the former is toward over-intensity, of the latter toward over-diffuseness.

It was his solution of the controversy between the head and the heart that influenced Fichte, Schelling, and Schleiermacher. They differed from Kant and among themselves in many respects, but they all glorified the spirit, Geist, as the living, active element of reality, and they all rejected the intellect as the source of ultimate truth.

Near the gate, however, she made him stop, in spite of his remonstrances, saying she preferred to walk to the house. She paid him, and he left her there. Now, Miss Innes, you had no such visitor, I believe?" "None," I said decidedly. "Geist thought it might be a maid, as you had got a supply that day. But he said her getting out near the gate puzzled him.

"I am quite ready to accept the conditions of modern life, my lord," said George. "I was anxious to give you my opinion as early as possible," resumed the bishop, "and that is, that what you have just published the book and the Zeit Geist article reflect yes, in no inconsiderable measure what I have long thought." "I am flattered, indeed, my lord." "You need not be, Holland.

"The ladies haven't come back, sir. I don't know where they might be. Perhaps at the Valners', in Fifty-second Street, sir." He rang the Valners' bell. "Mrs. Van Geist and Miss Milbrey? They left at least half an hour ago, sir." "Go down the avenue slowly, driver!" At Fortieth Street he looked down to the middle of the block. Mrs. Van Geist, alone, was just alighting from her coupe.

He drove first to the Milbrey house, on the chance that she might be at home. Jarvis answered his ring. "Miss Milbrey is with Mrs. Van Geist, sir." Jarvis spoke regretfully. Pie had reasons of his own for believing that the severance of the Milbrey relationship with Mr. Bines had been nothing short of calamitous. He rang Mrs. Van Geist's bell, five minutes later.

And I lifted my finger and said to him, ‘Boy, Gott der Vater.’ He laughed and said, ‘Gott der Vater.’... ‘Gott der Sohn.’ He laughed again and lisped, ‘Gott der Sohn.’ ‘Gott der heilige Geist.’ Then he laughed and said as best he could, ‘Gott der heilige Geist.’ I went away, and two days after I happened to be passing, and he shouted to me of himself, ‘Uncle, Gott der Vater, Gott der Sohn,’ and he had only forgotten ‘Gott der heilige Geist.’ But I reminded him of it and I felt very sorry for him again.

Save as to matters that did not particularly interest me, Ramon was as reticent as his master; and as Geist had only been with Mr. Fortescue during the latter's residence at Kingscote, his knowledge, or, rather, his ignorance was on a par with my own. Mr. Fortescue's character was as enigmatic as his history was obscure.