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Over the entrance in the center of the building was the inscription in gold letters on a blue ground: "Gemesst im edeln Geistensaft Des Wemes Geist, des Brodes Kraft" In the little anteroom a few sharp-looking, rather conceited young men were standing, either the instigators or organizers of the meeting.

A similar commentary on contemporary taste is obtained from a somewhat similar collection of stories, “Der Geist der Romane im letzten Viertel des 18ten Jahrhunderts,” Breslau and Hirschberg, 1788, in which the author (S.

It was about five o'clock when the hack came from the station to get them, and, to my amazement, it had an occupant. Matthew Geist, the driver, asked for me, and explained his errand with pride. "I've brought you a cook, Miss Innes," he said.

He begged her attention to the German poem, she glanced onward as he read, watching for shoals ahead, and spied something about a "hochbeseeltes madchen" inspiring a "Helden sanger geist", and grew hotter and hotter till she felt ready to box his ears for intoning German instead of speaking plain English, and having it over.

"You mad child I was always afraid you might do something like this; but I will say I'm not altogether sure you've acted foolishly." "Thank you, you dear old Muetterchen! and you'll come to see us you shall see how happy I can be with this this boy this Lochinvar, Junior I'm sure Mrs. Lochinvar always lived happily ever after." Mrs. Van Geist kissed them both.

Most truly does Schiller say: "In müssiger Weile schafft der böse Geist," and he spares neither body nor soul. It is always asserted that woman makes and rules society.

But when the shores of British Guiana had become a muddy-looking horizon line, I found him, with his cropped forehead pressed to the open housewife, shedding bitter tears among the new needles and buttons. "Zur tiefen Ruh, wie er sich auch gefunden. Sein Geist ist's, der mich ruft." Wallenstein's Tod. Not the least troublesome part of our enlarged kit was the collection of gay-plumaged birds.

He understood man so well as to cause that same visitor of his to make a resolution never again to publish anything in the same strain as the Zeit Geist article, without first consulting with the bishop. George Holland had pulled the bell at the palace gates with the hand of a Luther; but he had left the presence of the bishop with the step of a Francis of Assisi.

With reference to his sister's reading, he continues: 'Take care of Maurice, Fan; I do not think it too much to say that he is simply and plainly "unsound" on the doctrine of the Atonement; I don't charge him with heresy from his stand-point, but remember that you have not been brought into contact with Quakers, Socinians, &c., and that he may conceive of a way of reconciling metaphysically difficulties which a far inferior but less inquisitive and vorsehender geist pronounces for itself simply contrary to the word of God.

Those horses are rested. They can go all night if they must." "I have Grandmother Loekermann's wedding-ring of course you didn't fetch one. Trust a man to forget anything of importance." His grasp of her hand during the ride did not relax. The New Argonauts Mrs. van Geist came flustering out to the carriage. "You and Briggs may get out here, Jarvis.