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"That," says Judson, "is a matter which Mr. Gordon seems to have left wholly to you." "Eh?" says I, doin' the gawp act sudden on my own account. "Well, post me for a Bush League yannigan if it don't listen that way! Then I can see where I'll be earnin' my five per cent. all right, and yet some! Referee for a kind deeds campaign! Good night, Sister Sue!

'You needn't gawp like that, Jane went on. 'I'm not going to be bothered with queens any more than IT is. And I know, wherever it is, it'll take jolly good care that it's safe. 'She's right there, said everyone, for they had observed that the Psammead had a way of knowing which side its bread was buttered. She turned to the woman and said, 'You'll take me home with you, won't you?

"Anyway, you're the young man who put him up to this nonsense. I hope you're satisfied." "Me?" says I, doin' the gawp act. "How delightfully mysterious!" says Vee. "What's it all about?" "Yes, Garvey," says I. "What you been up to?" "I'm being natural, that's all," says he. "Natural!" snorts Mrs. Garvey. "Is that what you call it?" "How does it break out?" says I. "If you must know," says Mrs.

The one real sensitive spot in his system can be reached only by sluggin' him behind the ear with a bung starter, and I didn't have one handy. He shoves his chair back into the corner and continues to gawp; so I just has to let on that he ain't there at all. Course I'd been put wise to who this Cuyler Morrison De Kay was. He's what Mr. Steele calls an object of altruism.

I don't know which one of us saw her first. All I'm sure of is that we both sort of slowed up and did the gawp act. You could hardly blame us, for here in a taxi by the curb is Well, it would take Robert Chambers a page and a half at twenty cents a word to do her full justice, so I'll just say she was a lovely lady. No, I ain't gettin' her mixed with any of Mr.

I wa'n't wastin' time on any subtle strategy, though. Walkin' over to Skeet I taps him on the shoulder, and then it's his turn to gawp at my costume. "Why," he gasps, "how er where did you " "Oh, I brought myself out last season," says I. "But just a minute, if you don't mind," and I jerks my thumb towards the dressin' room. "But, you know," he begins, "I I "

"Certainly," cuts in Auntie. "I'm so sleepy I couldn't tell a doubloon from a doughnut. Ho-ho-hum! Let's be getting back." It wasn't much after six when we made the yacht, but the whole crew seems to be up and stirrin' around. As we comes alongside they sort of groups themselves into a gawp committee forward, and I caught them passin' the smile and nudge to each other.

He's draped himself careless over the end of the counter and them big innocent blue eyes of his are fairly glued on Mirabelle, while a simple smile comes and goes, dependin' on whether she's lookin' his way or not. Just as I stops to gawp at the proceedin's he seems to be askin' her something, real eager and earnest.

But, with her hair loosened up and her cheeks tinted a bit from excitement, she looks like a different party. Almost stunnin', you know. Vee nudges me to quit the gawp act. "Gosh!" I whispers. "Who'd have thought it?" "S-s-s-sh!" says Vee. "We don't want her to suspect a thing."