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Even Gav acknowledged a master, and, when the accoutrements of war were bought at second hand as cheaply as Tommy had predicted, applauded him with eyes and mouth for a full week, after which he saw things in a new light.

"I see," said, Ursula, "that it must have been altogether a different person, for I am sure that Meridiana Borzlam would never have fallen in love with Oliver. Oliver! why, that is the name of the curo-mengro, who lost the fight near the chong gav, the day of the great tempest, when I got wet through. No, no!

He gav a ran-tan at th' back dur, wi' his whip-hondle; and when th' little lass coom with a candle, he said, 'Aw've getten a weshin'-machine for yo. As soon as th' little lass yerd that, hoo darted off, tellin' o' th' house that th' new weshin'-machine wur come'd. Well, yo known, they'n five daughters; an' very cliver, honsome, tidy lasses they are, too, as what owd Betty says.

Brother, I am fond of solitude myself, but not that kind of solitude; I like a quiet heath, where I can pitch my house, but I always like to have a gay stirring place not far off, where the women can pen dukkerin, and I myself can sell or buy a horse, if needful such a place as the Chong Gav. I never feel so merry as when there, brother, or on the heath above it, where I taught you Rommany.

"T' sexton's got a craigthraw like he gav' the lass over the clints of Scarsdale; ye mind what the ald soger telt us when he hid his face in the kitchen of the George here? By Jen! I'll ne'er forget that story." "I ween 'twas all true enough," replied the hostler; "and the sizzup he gav' the sleepin' man wi' t' poker across the forehead.

‘None of your chaffing, young fellow,’ said the tall girl, ‘or I will give you what shall make you wipe your face; be civil, or you will rue it.’ ‘Well, perhaps I was a peg too high,’ said I; ‘I ask your pardonhere’s something a bit lower:— As I was jawing to the gav yeck divvus I met on the drom miro Rommany chi—’

But just then I heerd a buzzin' sound, an' I reckoned there mun be a waps somewheer about. An' a waps it were. He flew round an' round my heead, allus coomin' nearer an' nearer, an' at lang length he settled hissen reight on t' top o' my neb. An' wi' that I gav a jump, an' by Gow! there was I sittin' on t' bench in my 'lotment.

However, as I read over from time to time to my Rommany chal what I had written, his delight in actually hearing his own words read from writing, partook of all the pride of successful authorship it was, my dear sir, like your delight over your first proof sheet. Well, this was the letter. A translation will be found following it. THE PANNI GAV, Dec. 16, 1871. MY KAMLI CHAVI, Kushti bak!

We made or gav a certificate to two Brave men the attendants of the Great Chief gave them Some tobacco and prepared a Commission for Mr.

This was, however, accomplished in time, and the consultation continued. "We ought to have three more fellows, at least," said Bowler. "I tell you what, each of you pick one. Who do you say, Gav?" "Well, I fancy young Wester might do," said Gayford. "Warthah a pwig, isn't he?" suggested Braintree. "He is a little," replied Gayford; "but he's very obliging, and fags rather well." "All serene.