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"None of your chaffing, young fellow," said the tall girl, "or I will give you what shall make you wipe your face; be civil, or you will rue it." "Well, perhaps I was a peg too high," said I; "I ask your pardon here's something a bit lower: 'As I was jawing to the gav yeck divvus I met on the drom miro Rommany chi "

So at lang length I gav' in. I killed t' pig and I buried him same as I'd buried t' potate. "When I gat home I said nowt to t' missus about t' pig, for I couldn't let on that I'd buried it; shoo'd have reckoned I were a bigger fooil nor shoo took me for.

Though in duty bound, as young patriots, to jeer at him for having been born in the wrong place, the pupils of his own age could not resist the charm of his reminiscences; even Gav Dishart, a son of the manse, listened attentively to him.

Gav of course was to enter the bursary lists anon, and he had supposed that Cathro would have the last year's schooling of him; but no, his father decided to send him for the grand final grind to Mr. Ogilvy of Glen Quharity, a famous dominie between whom and Mr. Dishart existed a friendship that none had ever got at the root of. Mr.

We are taken before the Poknees of the gav, myself and sister, to give an account of ourselves.

‘Then you are married, Jasper?’ ‘Ay, truly; I am husband and father. You will see wife and chabo anon.’ ‘Where are they now?’ ‘In the gav, penning dukkerin.’ ‘We were talking of language, Jasper?’ ‘True, brother.’ ‘Yours must be a rum one?’ ‘’Tis called Rommany.’ ‘I would gladly know it.’ ‘You need it sorely.’ ‘Would you teach it me?’ ‘None sooner.’ ‘Suppose we begin now?’

Corp knew that these purchases were in Tommy's far-seeing eye, but he thought the only way to get them was to ask the price and then offer half. Gav, the scholar, who had already reached daylight through the first three books of Euclid, and took a walk every Saturday morning with his father and Herodotus, even Gav, the scholar, was as thick-witted as Corp.

Gav Dishart was the one who had come by the burn, and his boots were cheeping like a field of mice. He gave the word "Stroke," and the three then looked at each other firmly. The lights of the town were not visible from the Cuttle Well, owing to an arm of cliff that is outstretched between, but the bell could be distinctly heard, and occasionally a shout of revelry.

"We'll let other laddies buy them," Tommy explained in his superior way, "and then after the Muckley is past, we'll buy them frae them." The others understood now. After a Muckley there was always a great dearth of pence, and a moneyed man could become owner of Muckley purchases at a sixth part of the Muckley price. "You crittur!" exclaimed Corp, in abject admiration. But Gav saw an objection.

Corp and Gav, of course, were in the secret and did their humble best to act in the same unnatural manner, but now and again a show made a successful snap at Gav, and Corp had gloomy fears that he would lose his head in presence of the Teuch and Tasty, from which humiliation indeed he was only saved by the happy idea of requesting Tommy to shout "Deuteronomy!" in a warning voice, every time they drew nigh Californy's seductive stand.