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Gryce with a composure such as she had not before displayed; "that you are looking for your niece who ran away from home some time ago to go into some sort of service." "Certainly, ma'am," quoth that gentleman, bowing with mock admiration to the gas-fixture.

Shirley looked up at his daughter, and the lines on his face relaxed as though he would hide his disappointment from her eager eyes. "Confound that light! What's the matter with it?" he exclaimed, changing the subject, and glancing up at the gas-fixture. Kennedy had already been intently looking at the Welsbach burner overhead, which had been flickering incessantly.

Neil arose and walked to the gas-fixture, knocking over a chair on his way. "Come in, whoever you are," he muttered. "Guess I was almost asleep." He reached up a hand and turned out the gas. The room, almost dark before, was now blackness from wall to wall. "Pshaw," said Neil, "I've turned the pesky thing out! Just stand still until I find a match or you'll break your shins."

"Bad business! bad business!" muttered the old man. "It's very hard on me. Perhaps you did the right thing you must be good to her but I cannot countenance this affair. It was most high-handed, sir!" The portieres fell again, and he disappeared. Finally, after another interval, Carroll returned. She went immediately to the gas-fixture, which she lit. Orde then saw that she was sobbing violently.

He sat thus for a long time, his elbows on the table, his chin between his hands, till at length the contemplation of the abandoned sidewalks, above which the electric globes kept Stylites-like vigil, became intolerable to him, and he drew down the window-shade, and lit the gas-fixture beside the dressing-table. Then he took a cigar from his case, and held it to the flame.

Even before the handkerchief was produced, I had made up my mind to attempt their destruction; but when that was brought up and shown, I became so alarmed I immediately rose and, making my way under some pretence or other to the floors above, snatched the key from the gas-fixture, the lighters from the vase, and hastening with them down the hall to Mary Leavenworth's room, went in under the expectation of finding a fire there in which to destroy them.

It's convenienter than the old stove. He wanted to pay me fur the gas it burned when he was here sketchin', but I wouldn't stand fur that." The ropey, rubbery something was the tube connecting the heater with the gas-fixture. "I move we light 'er up, and make the place comfortable; then we can talk this matter over," continued Mr. Bud. "Shet the door, an' siddown."

All the illumination that there was came from a single dingy gas-fixture stuck in the wall near the desk, but that was enough. Varney came closer. "Smith," said he. "Well," said Smith. "I have come to see you." "Well look away," said Smith. There was not a trace of the "Hast thou found me?" in the editor's voice or his manner. If he expected assassination, he did not appear to mind.

Most of these sketches were of horses. From the gas-fixture hung a tangled bunch of well-scribbled dance programs. Saxon started to take off her hat, but suddenly sat down on the bed. She sobbed softly, with considered repression, but the weak-latched door swung noiselessly open, and she was startled by her sister-in-law's voice. "NOW what's the matter with you? If you didn't like them beans "

My bird had a genuine thrush's love of quiet and dislike of a crowd, preferred unfrequented places to alight on, and was quite ingenious in finding them. The ornamental top of a gas-fixture a few inches below the ceiling, which was cup-shaped and nearly hid him, was a favorite place.