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"Oh, you'll be glad, I'm betting!" was the answer, half-rueful, half-relieved, for somehow Strong had "taken to" the doctor's guest and to doubting his own. "Those galoots at McDowell let up on their watch, and 'Tonio's walked off 'gone where the woodbine twineth' 'Patchie Sanchez with him!"

By repeated observations with the necrohistoriograph I find that the inhabitants of this country, who had always been more or less dead, were wholly extirpated contemporaneously with the disastrous events which swept away the Galoots, the Pukes and the Smugwumps. The agency of their effacement was an endemic disorder known as yellow fever.

Then yer kin git some of ther counterfeit money you've got hid around somewhere an' come back an' take it ter Roche. While you're talkin' to 'em we'll all creep in an' fix ther galoots fur good an' all!" "Allee light, Misler Charlie." Hop was not long in mounting the scout's horse, and then he rode swiftly to Big Bonanza.

"If I'd only thought," chimed in Coon, "I'd sent up to the State and got me a white shirt and a standing collar and a red necktie. You galoots out-hold me on togs. But where I was raised, back down in Palo Pinto County, Texas, I was some punkins as a ladies' man myself you hear me." "Oh, you look all right," said Edwards. "You would look all right with only a cotton string around your neck."

His son and heir, however, had not his head in the clouds, being in point of fact of the earth earthly, and, of consequence, more popular than his father. He came down from the Castle on the hill to the marketplace in the town and says he: "What do you galoots want, anyhow?" First, their "rights." Then a change in the commander-in-chief of the army, which had grown from six to sixteen.

"And if you ever want another job in Marion you may be blacklisted. I don't want to get you into a scrape." "I can't be in any worse scrape than the one I am in now. Haven't I just told you who I am?" "Oh, I know that! I reckon you're the same fellow. But, see here, mister, I'm one of those simple kind of galoots and the less a man knows the more suspicious he is.

The two companions of the talkative cowboy laughed uproariously. They evidently agreed with him that the boy was away off in his remarks. Cheyenne Charlie could keep still no longer. "Jest show ther galoots that yer ain't foolin', Wild," he said. "Shake 'em up it little." "Lat light, Misler Wild!" called out the Chinaman, from the door. "Makee allee samee be polite, so be."

Zip! "Guess there's a bee-tree somewhere around here, from the way the bees are buzzin'," said Si. "'Taint no bees," replied Shorty; "it's a mighty sight worse'n that. Them's bullets, Si Don't ye see the dumed galoots over yonder a-shootin' at us?" Si was no coward, and he was determined to show that he wasn't.

Our stay in New Constantinople will give all a better chance to get acquainted with Nellie. I'll surrender her to you until you get tired of her." "Get tired of her!" repeated Vose Adams, voicing the sentiments of all; "we're not the kind of galoots to git tired of an angel." The father expressed his thanks with such winsome grace, that every man instinctively felt that he was a born gentleman.

A dim lantern swayed to and fro, through the murk we could make out a dozen bunks. "They call this the fo'cas'le," said Yank placidly. "Crew sleeps here. This is our happy home. Everything else full up. We four," said he, with a little flash of triumph, "are just about the only galoots of the whole b'iling at Panama that gets passage.