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The third man was conspicuous in ordinary dress. Save for the decoration of the Order of Takavo, suspended by a crimson ribbon on his shirt-front, and the Star of Galavia, on the left lapel of his coat, there was no break in the black and white scheme of his evening clothes. Von Ritz had told the truth. He was not disguised.

All Europe envies the services which Von Ritz squanders on Galavia." Benton looked up with a rush of memories, and was glad that the Galavian could not see him. Like all the men concerned, Von Ritz was inconspicuously a civilian in dress, but as he came down the center of the room he was, as always, the commanding figure, challenging attention.

Beyond its edge of roughly blocked and crevassed stone, the gorge fell away a dizzy thousand feet. Out of the pines struggled the half-overgrown path where once a road had led from the castle. This way the earlier Lords of Galavia had come to look across the backbone of the peninsula, to the east.

Benton worked his way slowly to San Francisco through the Far East. It is not difficult to avoid newspapers between Ismaïlia and Manila, and with the dogged determination to let the day set by Cara answer all questions of his future, he had neither sought nor received tidings from Galavia. He had not permitted himself great indulgence in hope.

There were lots of things that would have made a good book." The boy's voice took on a note of young ardor. "But the great story was the one he told last. He had stood to win a title of nobility in this two-by-four Kingdom of Galavia, but it had slipped away from him just on the verge of attainment." Harcourt slowly drained his thin Capri wine and set down the goblet.

The other only redoubled his efforts. And then again, like the curtain of a theater, a cloud dropped downward and quenched the moon and the sea and the rock in impartial obscurity. Since the anchor had been weighed at Naples, the days had passed uneventfully for the indolently cruising Isis with no word from Galavia. But at last the operator caught his call and made ready to receive.

Karyl himself halted at the door for a moment, then came slowly back into the room. He picked up from a tabouret a decoration of the Star of Galavia, and, crossing over, pinned it to the Spaniard's lapel. "There!" he said, with a good-humored laugh. "You made me a somewhat valueless present a few days back. You will find that equally useless, Sir Manuel. You may tell Mr.

You can't possibly hate it as much as I. There is no anarchist screaming his adherence to the red flag or inventing infernal machines, who hates all thrones as much as the one small girl who must needs be Queen of Galavia. No, lèse-majesté is not the fault for which you are being punished." For a while he was silent, then his voice was raised in exile, almost cheerfully.

She stood very upright and silent, and her breathing was deep. Then slowly her hands came up and loosened the flower at her breast. "The King has decorated you, Sir Manuel," she said. "I don't think Mr. Benton would care for knighthood and I could not confer it but sometime not now some day after you have both departed from Galavia, give him this.

He is the nephew of the late King of Galavia, and if " the Spaniard gave an expressive shrug, and watched the smoke ring he had blown widen as it floated up toward the ceiling "if by any chance, or mischance, Prince Karyl, who is to be crowned at Puntal three days hence, should be called to his reward in heaven, the gentleman who sits there would be crowned King of Galavia in his stead."