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Promptly at six o'clock he returned to the Rue do Consilhiero. He knew that his greatest danger lay in the possibility of communication by the conspirators with the Duke or the Countess, but he had been assured that Marie Astaride was in Cairo and it could safely be assumed that Delgado would return to Galavia only at the psychological moment.

The pause belonged to them their moment of reprieve. At last she said quietly: "But you are stupid not to guess it." "Guess what?" he inquired. "There is no Pagratide. Pagratide's real name is Karyl of Galavia." If the living-room at "Idle Times" bore the impress of Van Bristow's individuality and taste, his den was the tangible setting of his personality.

Sometimes when he watched the opalescent gleam in his glass as the garçon carefully dripped water over absinthe, he would picture himself wresting from the incumbent, the Crown of Galavia, and would hear throngs shouting "Long live King Louis!" At such moments his stimulated spirit would indulge in large visions, and his half-degenerate face would smile through its gentle but dissipated languor.

Will you take us with you on the yacht, and cruise in unfrequented ports, until Von Ritz reports to me?" "Where is Von Ritz?" "Gone back to Alexandria. He still cherishes hopes of a restoration. He wishes to return to Galavia." "Can he return safely?" Karyl shrugged his shoulders. "His conduct can hardly be construed as a political offense.

The two men went at some length over the details of the situation. It was agreed that the simple name of a town received by wireless should be a signal upon which the Isis would proceed with all possible haste to the place designated. If the necessity should arise for Karyl's leaving Galavia, he might in this way take refuge on the yacht.

Benton looked quickly up to forestall any possible personality to which he might object, but Harcourt continued. "Do you know that chap, Martin he doesn't call himself Browne now has turned up again? He's been here. Not ragged this time, but well groomed and in high feather. To-day he left to go back to Galavia." "Back to Galavia?" Benton repeated the words in astonishment. "What do you mean?"

Von Ritz knows who instigated the murder of the King, but he is without proof. The thing happened far beyond the borders of Galavia." Louis rose unsteadily from his chair. "Jusseret," he began, "this interview with Marie still confronts me and I dread it. Would it not be better for you to explain to her?

A third burst of delight came from the listening and responsive auditors, who had no idea by whom they were being entertained. The peasants of Galavia speak Portuguese. As Benton shifted his position so that he could eavesdrop without being discovered, he found that he could catch some of the words.

The lodge of the Duke as seen by the telescope sleeps shuttered an expanse of blank walls. Yet the Duke is there!" "Louis in Galavia?" "Wait." Blanco laid his hand on the other's arm and smiled. "My friend is superstitious and ignorant. He tells how the Duke has a ship's mast with wires on a tower fronting the far side. He says Louis talks with the open sea." "A Marconi mast?" Manuel nodded.

Then I had to set my face back again to the desert and in the desert one has only memory and hunger and thirst." "Yours is hunger and thirst yes!" exclaimed the King of Galavia. "But mine is the hunger and thirst of Tantalus." There was a low pained exclamation from the balcony and both men wheeled in recognition of the voice and the shadow that divided the band of light in the doorway.