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"Come on, Drumsheugh," said Jamie Soutar, "gie's the end o't; it wes a michty mornin'." "'We're twa auld fules, says MacLure tae me, and he gaithers up his claithes. 'It wud set us better tae be tellin' Bell. "She wes sleepin' on the top o' her bed wrapped in a plaid, fair worn oot wi' three weeks' nursin' o' Saunders, but at the first touch she was oot upon the floor.

A'm no denying that he gaes far afield, and taks us tae strange lands when he's on his travels, but ye 'ill acknowledge that he gaithers mony treasures, and he aye comes back tae Christ." "No, I will not be saying that John Carmichael does not love Christ, for I hef seen the Lord in his sermons like a face through a lattice. Oh yes, and I hef felt the fragrance of the myrrh.

"Come on, Drumsheugh," said Jamie Soutar, "gie's the end o't; it wes a michty mornin'." "'We're twa auld fules, says MacLure tae me, and he gaithers up his claithes. 'It wud set us better tae be tellin' Bell. "She wes sleepin' on the top o' her bed wrapped in a plaid, fair worn oot wi' three weeks' nursin' o' Saunders, but at the first touch she was oot upon the floor.

"Nane o' her ain dignity, like. Ye see she's naething but bonny. She HAS naething. An' though she's as guid a cratur as ever lived, the cauld grun' o' her poverty gaithers the fog o' an ill report. An' I'm thinkin' maybe she's the prooder for her poverty, an' winna gang til her inferriors sae lang as her aiquals dinna invete her.

"Come on, Drumsheugh," said Jamie Soutar, "gie's the end o't; it wes a michty mornin'." "'We're twa auld fules, says MacLure tae me, and he gaithers up his claithes. 'It wud set us better tae be tellin' Bell. "She wes sleepin' on the top o' her bed wrapped in a plaid, fair worn oot wi' three weeks' nursin' o' Saunders, but at the first touch she was oot upon the floor.